Diamond & Silk sound off on ‘mysterious’ Biden ballots – IOTW Report

Diamond & Silk sound off on ‘mysterious’ Biden ballots

A SCREECHING HALT”: Diamond and Silk discuss contested election results and the ‘mysterious’ ballots that are causing alarm. – via Diamond and Silk Crystal Clear, Saturdays at 6:30PM ET on Newsmax TV.

4 Comments on Diamond & Silk sound off on ‘mysterious’ Biden ballots

  1. Haven’t seen D&S for a long time. Great analysis, and humorous presentation.

    Would love to see their prediction that when this is settled Biden-Harris will be soundly defeated with Trump capturing both the electoral vote and popular vote, too. And by an amazing historic large margin.

  2. Victor Davis Hanson | US Election 2020 •Nov 7, 2020
    [Just over an hour]

    VDH explains what is going on with the US election and culture to Australian John Anderson & his audience.

    Attitudes, beliefs, common challenges here and in all western countries. Trump supporters vs Biden supporters, pollsters as media agents, cancel culture, fear of speaking your mind in a free society. Trump as chemotherapy to cure the nation’s cancer, that’s not pleasant but necessary. Social media owner’s arrogance.

    No mandate for Biden-Harris agenda. Firearms difficult to buy, not so much due to gun laws, but because they’re sold out. Network news and pro sports are tuned out, and now looking to China for income.

    How will the two parties try to deal with the changing demographics. The problem with people who don’t understand where the things they need comes from, as they seek to shutdown the source of materials used to make the things they want. Democrats, in the blue counties and states, has become the party of the wealthy globalist, with no loyalty to their home country, and much more. Worth a listen, imo.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6idYZ25Qq6w .

  3. That looks like some really shady ballot processing going on by some creepy androgenous processing workers covered in tats! Did they check all the printed signatures since no one does cursive anymore?????


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