Hollywood Mocks Minority Conservatives – IOTW Report

Hollywood Mocks Minority Conservatives


Empathy can be an actor’s most essential skill.

Stars walk in their characters’ shoes long enough to capture their essence, warts and all. Even actors playing murderers seek out their humanity, and their performances are all the better for it.

That empathy is often missing when it comes to politically active stars – also known as the Hollywood Resistance.

We’ve seen this play out in ghoulish fashion over the past four years, but it’s recently taken a racial turn. Some stars attempt to shame people of color for supporting GOP politicians, especially a certain real estate mogul turned President.

Rapper Snoop Dogg helped kick off this disturbing trend earlier this year via his Instagram account. The musician previously acted out a comical assassination of President Donald Trump in his “Lavender” music video.

In August, Snoop Dogg shared a “Brady Bunch” style Instagram graphic featuring nine prominent black conservatives, including Candace Owens, Herman Cain and comic Terrence K. Williams. Their crime? Voting for the “wrong” party.


5 Comments on Hollywood Mocks Minority Conservatives

  1. I have NEVER seen any of these liberals give a legitimate example of a Trump POLICY that is racist against black people.
    Rather, he’s been showing them favoritism, with his Platinum Project, opportunity zones, HBCU payments, etc.
    There is no LEGITIMATE rationale for this visceral hatred of Trump and his fans.

  2. No surprise that the Hollywood loudmouths are gloating, but they’re a little premature. This is far from over.
    Never forget that we are the majority although they’d love for us to think otherwise.
    Their day is coming!

  3. I haven’t watched a TV series since 2002 or been to a theater since 2012.
    I won’t even watch movies on cable. lol. I don’t even know who the people on the hollywood rags are in the check-out stands.

    The only reason I would pay attention to any of them who talk politically is to embarrass them when they do. A couple of them already ran for office and lost because voters put a stop to their insanity.

  4. @Mr. Anth Ropy

    The liberals can’t actually define “fascism”, nor provide any reasonable basis for claiming that Trump is a fascist.

    Trump doesn’t hate minorities, he doesn’t put minorities in concentration camps, he doesn’t invade other countries, or stifle our liberties.

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