Thread: Evidence Suggesting Voter Fraud in Milwaukee – IOTW Report

Thread: Evidence Suggesting Voter Fraud in Milwaukee

Shylock Holmes

Nov 7 2020

I’ve been looking at the vote counts in Milwaukee, and there’s suspicious patterns in the data that need explaining. Proving fraud is difficult, but a lot of irregularities point in that direction. First, the tl;dr.
(1/N) 1. Democrat votes started increasing massively relative to Republicans after Tuesday night counts. This can’t be accounted for by explanations like heavily Democratic wards reporting later. When we look at the changes *within wards*, 96.6% of them favored the Democrats.

(2/N) 2. Democrats also improved massively against third party candidates, but Republicans and third party candidates are similar to each other. Since there’s little incentive to manipulate third party counts, the big change is in Democrat votes, not in Republican ones.

(3/N) 3. In down ballot races, Democrat increases within each ward were larger where the Democrat candidate was initially behind in the overall race on Tuesday night – i.e. relatively more Democrat votes appeared in races where they were more likely to alter the outcome.

(4/N) 4.This result is easy to explain by fraud, but is more complicated under other explanations like Democrats mostly voting by mail. Most theories predict all Democrat candidates should benefit equally within a ward, not that more votes come in exactly where they’re needed.

(5/N) Ward-level vote counts are from the Milwaukee County Clerk at 7pm Thursday night (…) and the archived version from the count as it stood on election night (… ).

(6/N) This idea came from @toad_spotted. I’m considering Presidential, Congress, State Senate and Assembly races. One way to look at the effect is to compare the percentage increase in votes for Republican Candidates vs Democrat candidates within each ward after election night.

(7/N) E.g. Suppose the Democrat candidate votes went up 200% from initial count to Thursday night. How much did Republican votes go up? If the distribution of votes before and after is the same, the percentage gains for each group should be similar, regardless of who was ahead.

(8/N) This is different from candidate totals in the state changing as different reports come in from other parts of the city. Rather, we’re testing whether the *same ward* should continue to find the same distribution of votes before and after Tuesday night.

(9/N) If the distribution is the same before and after, roughly half the time the Republicans would get unlucky in early votes and later improve their position (regardless of if they ultimately win or lose). Around half the time, Democrats should increase their votes by more.

READ MORE . SNIP: Bring coffee and a snack.

8 Comments on Thread: Evidence Suggesting Voter Fraud in Milwaukee

  1. Suggesting something doesn’t prove it, if no way can be found to prove it (as in prove it in Court) then nothing can be done to about it.

    Anyone know how one would go about finding real valid evidence of improprieties that can be legally presented in Court? I’m at a loss.

  2. ” … where the election will have to be re-done.”

    What would the Constitutional basis to re-do the election be? What Constitutional provisions, both State and Federal, authorize this to make it valid?

  3. So the people who investigated Trump for 3 years over nothing, then impeached him over nothing, are now cheating to get him out of office, since nothing else worked.

    If you don’t fight back against, this, you’ll lose forever.

  4. COVID has a better than 95% survival rate but we need to lock down the country.

    Votes that show up mysteriously in the middle of the night are over 95% for one party and computer glitches are pretty much all for one party: move along folks, there is nothing to see here.


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