More Voter Fraud Allegations in Michigan – IOTW Report

More Voter Fraud Allegations in Michigan

More proof for the claims of fraud made in Michigan. This Christian Patriot walks you through step by step to show just a small glimpse into what has transpired. This has been added to the Michigan GOP’s stack of incoming evidence. Keep up the good work Patriots!! We are the news now. This fight is for everyone!
-Via Facebook, Cody Nelson.

13 Comments on More Voter Fraud Allegations in Michigan

  1. Nobody reading this site has any business supporting, linking or posting anything on FB, Twitter or Instagram. Period. If you’re on it, you’re part of the problem; get off it.

  2. Wow, Cody needs a different platform to get this out. Also, notice the FB sidebar on his page; one FB “featured story” after another giving props to Biden and raping conservatives.

    If you look up “tech gulag” you’ll see the founder was Zuckerberg.

  3. Unless these type of allegations starts getting widespread MSM coverage it isn’t going to mean much if anything to the average American..

    Maybe someone should contact the various MSM outlets and suggest it to them? Maybe they just don’t know about it so they can’t report on it.

  4. More on Michigan

    According to U.S. Census Bureau Wayne County, Michigan has 1,329,501 18+ citizens. According to Michigan SOS Wayne County, Michigan has 1,410,498 registered voters.
    Oakland county, Michigan, U.S. Census Bureau says there are 943,491 18+ citizens. According to Michigan SOS Oakland County has 1,038,155 registered voters.
    Statewide U.S. Census Bureau says 7,789,748 18+ citizens.
    Michigan SOS says 8,128,934 registered voters.
    I’m sure that is just a glitch, their ongoing excuse.
    You can look it up for yourself.…/oaklandcountymichiga…/PST045219

  5. Tsunami, I have tried repeatedly to join Parler with no success. Took me 20 minutes to get an account, I was on for about ten, dumped out and can’t get back in.

  6. As for being on FB and twitter, right now we have no choice, that unfortunately is where we can get most of this out. That is where most of the people are whether any of us like it or not.

    There is a plan for a mass leave FB day next week. Everyone in the meantime are letting all of their friends and groups know where to find each other on the other Social Media sites.

    We can’t give up any avenue of attempting to spread the truth right now.

  7. Also there are ways to trick FB. Those of us with farms who sell farm animals have been doing it for a few years now.

    Your careful what you post and put the real info in the comments. I’ve switched to doing that on political posts and FB hasn’t censored one post or put their idiotic Election facts on the posts.

    Will they catch on eventually, maybe, but they haven’t on animals and guns yet.

    In the meantime I’m not leaving FB, because doing so will silence what is going on and keep us from spreading the truth to as many people as possible.

    Plus, I don’t know how well these other sites are going to handle that many people. All of them already have multiple issues.


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