BLM Drops by ‘Biden White House Celebration’ With a Message: ‘You Are All a Bunch of F**king Fools!’ – IOTW Report

BLM Drops by ‘Biden White House Celebration’ With a Message: ‘You Are All a Bunch of F**king Fools!’


Welp, that didn’t take long. After several news outlets declared Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election on Saturday, a celebration broke out at the Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House. Before long, a group of BLM protesters stopped by for a visit to deliver a message: “You are all a bunch of f**king fools” — and other such niceties.

Let’s check in on the festivities, shall we?

“For all of you f**king journalists, for all of you white liberals who have been celebrating, getting drunk off your asses about Biden winning this election, you are all a bunch of f**king fools!”


SNIP: As I’ve said before. Riots will not stop even if the Left’s Guy ‘wins’.

15 Comments on BLM Drops by ‘Biden White House Celebration’ With a Message: ‘You Are All a Bunch of F**king Fools!’

  1. Like Nancy said, Mother Nature is pissed. I wonder if those “lightning strikes from climate change” in liberal places are gonna stop any time soon. IMO probably not😏

  2. Gonna go against popular belief here. My prediction is that – IF IF IF Biden is inaugurated – the dems will show their true totalitarian nature and crack down with an iron fist on BLM/Pantyfa. Can’t have those useful idiots messing up their grand plans for a totalitarian state.

  3. Check out the white liberal female cheering next to the guy saying she’s a fucking fool.

    You can literally see her jumping and clapping like a seal, “Yah!! I got called out! I’m a fucking fool!”

    That’s how Joe, in part, got his votes.

    Not low information, but negative information voters.

  4. When you look at where the majority of the vote fraud occurred, it’s pretty obvious that the white Democrat elites used black muscle to carry the load. If BLM is not already in control of that muscle, it will be soon. Dems made a deal with the devil and it’s coming due. So dance your happy dance, all you pallid little Mr. and Ms. Bojangles, dance. BLM is calling the tune now.

  5. @stirrin the pot November 8, 2020 at 12:39 pm

    Your scenario is almost a certainty.
    Maybe they’ll come understand the term “USEFUL IDIOT” just before they see the flash.

  6. The antifa and BLM gangs will be the murder hornets in Joe Biden’s soup.

    Their continued rioting will put the old perv in a hard place. Does he come down hard on them to preserve some order, thereby riling them up even more, or let them burn down our country to try to supplicate them? Biden/Harris are not going to unite anything. Thus, the BLM thugs calling them fools, which is accurate as hell.

    Biden will be America’s Kerensky.

  7. The antifa and BLM gangs will be the murder hornets in Joe Biden’s soup.

    Their continued rioting will put the old perv in a hard place. Does he come down hard on them to preserve some order, thereby riling them up even more, or let them burn down our country to try to supplicate them?

    Biden/Harris are not going to unite anything. Thus, the BLM thugs calling them fools, which is accurate as hell.

    Biden will be America’s Kerensky.

  8. That’s just Joe’s people getting a head start helping achieve Joe’s promise to reunite the country and restore America’s soul. Nah, it’s Joe’s Frankenstein Monster that he and his fellow monster makers would soon completely lose control of.


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