Alex Trebek of “Jeopardy!” dies at 80 – IOTW Report

Alex Trebek of “Jeopardy!” dies at 80

Game show legend Alex Trebek, the beloved “Jeopardy!” host who showed dignity and perseverance in dealing with a Stage 4 cancer diagnosis in March 2019, died Sunday, according to the official “Jeopardy” Twitter account. He was 80. – USA Today

24 Comments on Alex Trebek of “Jeopardy!” dies at 80

  1. ..meanwhile, over on the Lets Make A Deal set, gay weddings are being conducted without ANY warning to the viewers or relevance to the show (they reran this just last week, on Biden Fraud Day)…

    …guess we can expect sexual deviance on the Jeopardy set now too, since Democrats have to befoul every single thing they touch, force people to celebrate Democrat perversion, and with a pedophile sleezed, however briefly, into the White House, it’ll be a 24/7/365 celebration of Gomorrah, without so much as a single Lot in sight. Glad I won’t live to see the fullness of the Sodomization of America when it reaches its logical conclusion just before the seals start to be opened in Heaven…

  2. I used to think he was a pompous ass a long time ago. I think I was the pompous ass.
    The man died with dignity, class, bravery and was dedicated to his profession. He gave his all for a TV show. It was his job, and he took it seriously, and did the best he could.
    I think he would have had the same attitude had he worked in produce at the supermarket.

  3. His huge shoes will be filled with some liberal activist passing himself off as a game show host and what was once an educational answer board will be filled with lib talking points.

  4. I had an old friend who was a Capt. in the Fire Dept C shifter 🙂 I called the station on day to talk to him and the engineer told me he retired! I knew he was talking about it but that was quick. So I called him at home and the phone rang for a while and just before I hung up he answered and sounded winded. I asked if he was alright and he said he damn near tripped over his golf clubs getting to the phone. When I asked about his retirement he told me he was given 6 months at the most for the same diagnosis.

    I asked him what his plans were and he said….”I’m gonna play as much GOLF as I can, and when I can’t lift a club anymore, I’m just gonna die!”
    O.W. (Dub) Taylor Capt. Fire Dept. City of Stockton, Ca.

  5. No one seems to care that Norm Crosby died too. Anyone remember him?

    Edit to add I’m going to change my handle, because I had to put my Rotty down last year. I have an Aussie named Lilly now, but I think I’m going to go with Meat Loaf Fan. The singer, not the dinner. Ha.

  6. Late to the game show wake…

    Let’s go to Ghost: I’ll take ‘not so locally grown bananas for three dollars a pound’ Alex.

    Ghost: What is Waldbaums? or maybe Pathmark…? @BFH.

    Well done, Ghost. YOU get the Daily Double

    RIP MR. Jeopardy.

    Anyone have the old board game from the sixties?

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