ESPN Cutting 500 Jobs: Network Blames COVID, Fails To Mention Ratings Plunge Due To “Woke” Messaging – IOTW Report

ESPN Cutting 500 Jobs: Network Blames COVID, Fails To Mention Ratings Plunge Due To “Woke” Messaging

Zero Hedge: ESPN is cutting another 500 jobs as pressures from the Covid-19 pandemic are weighing on the sports network. Apparently, the restart of almost all major sports – albeit draped in political messaging for the last 6 months – hasn’t been enough to save the network from a fresh round of layoffs. 

The network is blaming the coronavirus, naturally, because it certainly can’t blame its own politicized discussions during almost every major sporting event it has broadcast over the last few months. 

A memo circulated on Thursday from Jimmy Pitaro, the head of ESPN, said the cuts will include 300 layoffs and the elimination of another 200 open positions. The company has 5,000 employees worldwide, according to the LA Times

The memo said: “Prior to the pandemic, we had been deeply engaged in strategizing how best to position ESPN for future success amidst tremendous disruption in how fans consume sports. The pandemic’s significant impact on our business clearly accelerated those forward-looking discussions.” read more

22 Comments on ESPN Cutting 500 Jobs: Network Blames COVID, Fails To Mention Ratings Plunge Due To “Woke” Messaging

  1. If ESPN and the other networks think that when the scamdemic goes away that their ratings will return they’re idiots. The downward trend began months before the COVID monster appeared all due to them pandering to the alphabet people.

  2. Funny how in any other world, the shamdemic would have forced sports consumers to their televisions because they couldn’t be there in person, thereby significantly increasing subscribers and ratings. But in the ESPN world both plummet? If that’s what you really believe (and want us to believe), then you have bigger problems.

  3. Also up (from CNBC): Here’s the internal memo sent to employees as AT&T’s WarnerMedia begins thousands of layoffs

    I’m going to reach out to maybe Dinesh D’Souza to create a CONSERVATIVES CANCEL CABLE Day – like Monday Jan 4. If we can get a MASS cancellation (like millions), and make it clear we no longer support MSNBC/CNN/HBO/ESPN because of their political bias, maybe, just maybe, that will change behavior.

  4. Disney Company still in layoff mode. Lost my job last week after 23 years. It’s a good thing, the company has changed (for the worse) in just 20 years.

    Helluva severance package with a pension and free park access for life (needed for the Grandkids).


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