Swampy Top DOJ Voter Fraud Investigator Quits After AG William Barr Authorizes Probe – IOTW Report

Swampy Top DOJ Voter Fraud Investigator Quits After AG William Barr Authorizes Probe

Zero Hedge: Update (2140ET): In response to AG Barr’s decision, NYTimes reports that Richard Pilger – who oversees voter fraud investigations – has quit:

“Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications… I must regretfully resign from my role as director of the Election Crimes Branch.”

Does it not seem odd that when asked to investigate voter fraud, the gentleman who is in charge of investigating voter fraud chooses to resign rather than do his f**king job?

Perhaps it was his alleged involvement in the Lois Lerner IRS targeting Tea Party groups debacle that triggered this resignation? more

22 Comments on Swampy Top DOJ Voter Fraud Investigator Quits After AG William Barr Authorizes Probe

  1. He will be found to be complicit with this perpetrated fraud pushed unto the conservate/PDJT vote compilation, a long term deepstate member high in the DOJ like this would know and have the experience to provide the cover/assistance necessary for this massive attempt to cheat more than half of the country of their rightful re-elected president. I hope they are monitoring his whereabouts and freezes/pulls his passport and bank accts, confiscates his assets when indicted. Tea Party members have deep memories as to how they were screwed, now one of those assholes responsible is going to get his rewards.

  2. I wonder who will be doing the investigations in a few months if/after Biden becomes President on January 20th?

    Biden is very likely to achieve that without some really intensive investigations and revelations to prevent it now, and I’m not seeing that happen. Barr hasn’t done anything about much of anything yet, why would he suddenly start doing it now in his waning days when he is not likely to be able to complete it?

  3. The DOJ and FBI are irrelevant to the outcome of this election. Another multi-year long probe is a deep state fake. Justice for President Trump and we the people lies with state courts and state legislatures. It needs to happen before election certification on Dec 14th.

  4. It’s certainly refreshing to see Osmidgen holdovers who were supposed to be dedicated to upholding the Constitution of the United States of America resigning when their sensitive feelings are bruised by the necessity of actually supporting and defending the Constitution against all enemies — especially the domestic ones. Anyone want to bet that this worthless Weasel will be appearing on CNN and MSNBC within two days, commenting on the sanctity of free and fair elections? Worthless bastard.

  5. Rat Fink, if Ed “Big Daddy” Roth had created joey as a cartoon figure like Digger, Davey and Daddy and the Rat Fink himself, he would’ve been driving a short bus for the school for retards with no wheels and no motor, just an empty worthless shell like he is. And a great big Zero painted on the side of the bus signifying it will never go faster than zero miles an hour ever. Hey he’s doing his thing for globaloney warming after all since it’s a no emissions vehicle and the only emissions would come from it would be from the driver if he farted.

  6. Getting the DOJ involved is going to be our undoing.

    The state legislators were going to investigate, maybe still are.

    But now, the same Filthy, Dirty, Criminal, Deep Staters who hid Hunter Biden’s laptop for a year are going to be put in charge of determining if the election was fair?

    The chances of them saying it wasn’t fair are alost zero.

    will the state legislators Not certify the democrat electors if the DOJ says the election was fair?

    You’d better think about that.

  7. He should immediately be placed on the person of interest list and investigated to determine if he was involved with causing and concealing voter fraud, rather than working to prevent it.

    There are too many people in government agencies that function 180˚ opposite from the mission statement of the jobs they hold. When they leave they ought to be given new free housing, with bars on its doors and windows.

  8. I despise people who refuse to do their duty when called to action.

    When the first gulf war started a nurse at one of the hospitals I often did service work, when she was notified she may be called to active duty. She ranted, moaned, and groaned about it for several days. Because she did not want to go. Her education had been paid for by being in an ROTC program. But she wanted a free ride.

    It really ticked me off. Taxpayer money paid for her education to have a pool of people to help our guys that may become wounded. But she felt no obligation to do her duty. She lucked out. After a few days she was told her unit would not be called up, and she stopped scheming to find a way to resign.

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