Tucker: We heard you – IOTW Report

Tucker: We heard you

Tucker: We heard you. It’s hard to trust anything. Here’s what we know.

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host reacts to 2020 election results, says polling errors ‘amounted to voter suppression’.

22 Comments on Tucker: We heard you

  1. That was a good segment, but…too little too late.

    Tucker and others on Fox should have been shouting louder and earlier about the free speech censorship of the media and Big Tech Oligarchs, and been demanding that their section 230 exemption be revoked.

    The democrat run state media is THE biggest threat to our constitutional republic, and scares me to death. The light of truth brought about by full open and free speech would have taken care of the voting fraud eventually, but without it we are horribly marginalized.

  2. Yeah, I think they did. Down 1,743,000 viewers, gone.

    “The numbers show that on November 6th, Fox pulled 2,266,000 viewers while CNN saw nearly twice as many at 4,009,000 viewers.
    Similarly, MSNBC, per Fox’s internal numbers, counted 2,983,000 viewers, beating Fox by over 700,000 viewers.”

    https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/fox_news_pays_the_price_for_betraying_its_viewership.html .

    And I wasn’t aware of some of the buffoonery detailed in the AT account.

  3. At 13:10 of the video, some lib perfesser said more white people voted for Trump this year than 4 years ago. And of course that makes them raciss.
    More Whites voted for Trump this year than 4 years ago.
    More Blacks voted for Trump this year than 4 years ago.
    More Hispanics voted for Trump this year than 4 years ago.
    And yet Trump lost?!?!?

  4. @MJA – I think it’s a pretty safe bet that several people are aware of his monologue before he gives it. Some one has to edit in the various video clips and statistical graphs etc that are a part of it.

  5. Exactly. So they sent him out there to stop the bleed, hoping the audience will listen to the popular kid on the network and come racing back with their arms stretched open. My arms are stretched, but my hands are flipping the bird. lol

  6. Tucker’s “generic rant” wasn’t specific enough to indict his own network – why didn’t he bring up the Judge being cancelled and the set-up of election night by the great pretenders at Fox News if he’s really incensed?

    Hannity has a lot of problems but he stood up as did Laura. Wish all three of them could go to OAN or Newsmax.

  7. Yeah, but notice he also said, we must be honest with you, we haven’t seen enough fraud to overturn this election. For starters if you don’t know the level of the fraud you can’t honestly say that. Plus, even what we seen with our own eyes that is not true.
    If you just take that 3% flipping vote from Trump to Biden and Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan would make Trump the winner.

  8. Yup, Tucker is their “savior”. Hopefully he gets the hell out to a new media outlet at his first opportunity – with no real loss of income. There lies the key.

  9. He says the solution is “honesty”. Nope, it is prison time for thousands of malefactors. For decades we have acknowledged that we have to out-vote Democrat cheating. Yet when Republicans are in charge no cheating is investigated, prosecuted or punished. Now we are paying the price with the death of our liberty.

  10. I like Tucker and think he’s the best we’ve got! But he’s just as guilty as everyone else when comes to saying “but…”. You have all these commentators talking about the good things Trump has done and then they say “for all his faults and he has many”, ” but he’s crass” or “he’s crude” or “he should tone it down” or “he should stop tweeting.” Squishy stuff like that just gives ammunition to the left and people who care more about feelings than the country becoming a total dictatorship. I love his no bullshit way of talking and taking on issues.

  11. Cate. Hostage video. Brilliantissimo.

    Now I know why, forgive, I watched it one more time, I felt nauseous. AND, not as others have pointed out, he did NOT actually say that went to the reults themselves being wrong.

    Goodbye Tucker Carlson.

  12. Cavuto is frequently the body part you sit on. Lou Dobbs otoh on Fox Biz is good. I wonder why Lou is given more leeway to discuss the obvious truth about what is happening, and is not as restricted as hosts on FNC.


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