Rudy Giuliani Outlines Current Status of Election Lawsuits – IOTW Report

Rudy Giuliani Outlines Current Status of Election Lawsuits


Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani appears on NewsMax TV to outline the current state of multiple lawsuits being filed against states who illegally manipulated ballot counting procedures during the overnight hours on election night.

The common thread between 10 regional locations was the processing of mail-in ballots without allowing any republican poll watcher to observe.  In addition to Pennsylvania, a pattern emerges within Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and Georgia.  Within those states there are specific areas where the sketchy ballots were assembled and counted. WATCH

5 Comments on Rudy Giuliani Outlines Current Status of Election Lawsuits

  1. The elephant in the room is how much of this vote fraud occurred in black precincts. There’s already grumbling about how “legal votes” is code for “white votes”. Expect that canard to multiply in frequency as the truth comes out. Once again, the Democrat party is making the blacks on their plantation do the dirty work and expecting nobody to notice.

  2. 620,000 votes. How long does it take a printer to crank them out? And only one vote on the ballot too? Its like the entire neighborhood is banging on your sister and we’re supposed to sit here and hold their beer.

  3. There are NO black precincts…. gerrymandering (or niggerriging) has made “BLACK” precincts all but gone. I will gladly vote with my black brothers and sisters…. And did recently.


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