Ossoff: Ban Sale of Semi-Automatic Rifles, ‘High Cap’ Magazines – IOTW Report

Ossoff: Ban Sale of Semi-Automatic Rifles, ‘High Cap’ Magazines


Senate candidate Jon Ossoff (D-GA) is campaigning on a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles and “high capacity” magazines.

On his campaign website Ossoff says, “I support a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles (“assault weapons”) and high-capacity magazines to the general public.”

A ban on semi-automatic rifles, which he referred to as “assault weapons,” would be a ban on AR-15s, AK-47s, and variants of both platforms, together with numerous other commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles, which happen to be some of the most popular firearms in America. more

14 Comments on Ossoff: Ban Sale of Semi-Automatic Rifles, ‘High Cap’ Magazines

  1. There is a good chance with the recount in Georgia that Perdue will hold onto his seat and there won’t be the need for his runoff with Ossoff. That would be the best thing because then the Rs would have 51 seats. Pray

  2. Republicans are only marginally pro-2nd amendment.

    They just do thing more slowly and in smaller steps than the Democrats.

    But not always, they take very large bites out of it occasionally but they make sure those bites only affect the lesser numbered segments of gun owners so the rest of them will not raise too much objection at the time.

    Either way, gun rights are predictably going to be corroded under either party, how fast and how much at a time is all that differs between them.

  3. I seem to remember a 1994 Biden crime bill that included the ban of assault weapons. That proved to be unpopular for democrats and they lost votes so damn fast over it, the Senate and House flipped Republican in the mid-term vote, the latter the first time in 40 years.

    So in a strange way we should welcome Democrats attempts on banning guns, they ultimately are shooting themselves in the foot.

    But it’s a brave new world where we have stolen elections and half the country not interested in ever having a fair election again. So I say either we participate in stealing elections as republicans, or refuse to give freedom stealing democrats a goddamn inch.

    Too bad the lofos gotta step in and ruin it for everyone. Stay the fuck home during elections if you don’t know what’s for sale in this country.

  4. Hey Budget Beto, I hear there’s still a pallet of “HELL YES WE’RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR AR-15” tee shirts in an El Paso warehouse. You should try to get them before they’re sent to the poor kids in Africa.


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