Rand Paul pushes Parler after tweet ‘our govt sent 1.1 million dead people stimulus checks…’ gets flagged – IOTW Report

Rand Paul pushes Parler after tweet ‘our govt sent 1.1 million dead people stimulus checks…’ gets flagged


Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has begun urging conservatives to join the non-establishment social media app Parler because of Twitter’s relentless censorship of the truth.

This push was initiated Tuesday after Twitter tacked on a fact-check warning to a tweet he’d posted on Monday that was otherwise 100 percent factually accurate.

On Monday, the senator tweeted, “Your government sent 1.1 million dead people stimulus checks. Wonder how many of these folks also voted absentee?”

Look at Paul’s tweet below, and take note of the warning.

@RandPaulYour government sent 1.1 million dead people stimulus checks. Wonder how many of these folks also voted absentee?

This claim about election fraud is disputed

8:39 AM · Nov 9, 2020

“This claim about election fraud is disputed,” the warning reads.

Yet the tweet was factually accurate.


8 Comments on Rand Paul pushes Parler after tweet ‘our govt sent 1.1 million dead people stimulus checks…’ gets flagged

  1. Get off Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest. I’m tired of it. These people are trying to steal our Republic and enslave us. It pisses me of to watch Lou Dobbs tear these people a new one, yet, at the end of his show he tells us to follow him on Facebook, like me on Twitter etc. Leave them already…take the hit and Win!

  2. Abused twitter users just keep going back into a abused media platform relationship. Very common mental disorder, beyond explanation. Nothing can be done, until they wake up.

  3. Twitter and others have already declared who they stand with. It’s idiotic to ignore that declaration and patriotic to make one of your own. We can be “disappeared”, but for our own reasons and under our own steam.

  4. I’ve been on Parler for awhile (as @bevwky) but was only using it off-and-on. I’m starting to use it more, at least for political related stuff. Thing is, though, that I have to use Facebook because websites I manage are connected to Facebook pages so I have to monitor those. Plus because of family & friend connections on Facebook.

    Kind of a similar thing regarding Twitter. I still have a Twitter account mainly because I’m a weather spotter and the National Weather Service loves Twitter for the time and date stamps on tweets.

    I’m getting more used to Parler but I have to admit that I find Rumble lacking. For one thing, unless I’ve missed it, there is no watchlist. I need a watchlist because simply having to browse is a time drain.

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