CDC Suggests Americans Celebrate Thanksgiving Outside – IOTW Report

CDC Suggests Americans Celebrate Thanksgiving Outside

American Greatness: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has urged Americans to celebrate Thanksgiving outside this year to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Their updated guidelines suggest Americans celebrate virtually or have their meals outside, The New York Post reports.

The public health agency’s guidance, which was first updated on Monday, gave a number of other suggestions about how to celebrate Thanksgiving safely.

However, if you do plan on having people at your home (this will depend on the rules in your state), the CDC suggests having a “small outdoor meal” with friends and family who live nearby. read more

40 Comments on CDC Suggests Americans Celebrate Thanksgiving Outside

  1. Well maybe we don’t need a CDC. I’m sure there is a duplicate somewhere in the bureaucracy.

    Point being that I no longer trust the CDC or anything they say. They are now useless. They made themselves useless. Bye bye

    fib too
    make a list

  2. …meanwhile, with absolutely NO legal authority to do so, Mike “really, I’m a republican” DeWhine has decreed from on high that the increased covid results from increased covid testing false positives give him the right to send OSHA inspectors into your business and shut you down if everyone’s not wearing a mask, and he’ll decide next week if he’s gonna shut the restaurants, bars, and gyms down illegally again because, SCIENCE!…

    …I think really it’s a punishment from a Never Trumper for voting Trump, and a reminder that petty dictatorships like his will NOT go away regardless of who’s president…

  3. …in fairness, though, they probably got the idea from a “Charley Brown” episode we’re no longer given to watch on free TV…

    …Peppermint Patty rejected that, though, then they all piled in a car in a superspreader way, daring even to SING until they had their MULTI family Thanksgiving together at AN OLD PERSON’S HOUSE, so I guess YouTube will insist on removing everything after the outdoor part, I suppose (at 2:30)…

  4. Dang! Too many rulze changes! I’m still trying to figure out what use Trey What’s-His-Name at the Federal Elections Commission is, since the FEC has “no jurisdiction” in the way states conduct their elections.

  5. Apparently some (sheep) people have not turned off the exposure tracking on their iPhones and they get notified when they are ‘exposed’ and are directed to go to their nearest Covid testing center. I also have democrat co-workers that go and get tested voluntarily regularly particularly anytime they are going to visit family members outside their home. I always wondered who the hell would stand in line to take a Covid test. Is it a catch 22 too where you have your phone in the Covid line, and the following week it goes off again telling you to go get another test?! Is that why these lines never go down?!

  6. I ran into a guy this morning that thinks it’s “Trump’s CDC.”

    Now, that was funny, right there. Yeah, like Trump’s FBI. These Federal departments need to be gutted, reemed-out, cauterized, burnished, re-bored and re-lined – in Trump’s SECOND TERM!!

  7. “We’ll probably catch our death of cold or pneumonia, but at least we son’t spread the Rona virus.”
    Jarhead Cracka: Rest assured that no matter what you die of, thanks to the CDC, you will be a Rona victim.

  8. FreedomCat NOVEMBER 12, 2020 AT 2:37 PM
    “SNS and flip. Heard mikey and can’t stand him. Is he trying to show his true colors so Biden will like him? Fucker!!!”

    …I think it’s deeper in DeWhine’s case. I think it’s more like the reason WHY it probably isn’t a good idea to keep stuffing the wimpy little guy in lockers in high school if he’s in a politically connected family, becuase he’ll get powerful one day and wreak vengeance for every swirlie on the ENTIRE population within his reach…

    …but OH has NEVER had a Republican Governor anyway. We’ve just alternated between Democrat and Democrat Lite, with the Republicans in the role of a well-dressed Socialist, i.e. “Look Right, Think Left”.

    …there’s really never been a dime’s worth of ideological differences between ANY of the powerful “Republicans” in OH and their Democrat counterparts, the “Republicans” have always just been better liars. Think about not just DeWine, but Voinovitch, Boehner, Portman, and so forth, it’s just the curse of being a purple battleground state that’s slowly but surely being overwhelmed by Democrats…

  9. I’ll celebrate being thankful without government telling me how to enjoy my holiday with family and friends. Just got off the phone with a pesky Census worker, and I told her what the worse thing anyone can hear from a government worker is “Hi, we’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” She showed up on my porch the other day with a face mask on. I asked her to remove it because I find it offensive. She removed it. Got on the subject of the Wuhan. She insisted that the virus came from France. She refused to say it came from Wuhan, China. Well, today she called to apologize that she was WRONG about where the virus originated. She said “it did come from China, you were right.” Let’s just say she won’t be calling me again.

  10. Apparently Fauci was on ABC telling Stuffynopolous that there is no longer any reason to worry because Biden will be POTUS. He said no more lock downs will be needed.
    Now that’s real science?????

    Hmmm….I guess Trump was right. The shut downs were a hoax.

  11. CDC can kiss my ass, I will do as I please.

    We have a town in our state that according to what is being told showed up to fight their mayor and city council who were talking mask mandates. They showed up with caskets(still not sure the purpose of those), pitchforks and a loud message that there were more of them then sat up there trying to rule over them, more of them then the police. Needless to say they didn’t vote for mask mandates.


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