This civil war is sponsored by: The Media – IOTW Report

This civil war is sponsored by: The Media

Anyone paying attention already knows this.

15 Comments on This civil war is sponsored by: The Media

  1. All those Targets Of Opportunity (TOO).
    All those media HQ in downtown (SLC, UT).
    ABC, NBC, CBS. And I’m sure if I looked, I could probably find a CNN HQ. But if not, the downtown Dem HQ will act as a suitable substitute. And if pressed for it, I know where the FiBbIe building is, in the International Center by the main airport.
    There are a couple of Kongress Kritters I need to find as well.
    Am I advocating violence? Only in self defense. But just knowing where these locations are……..

  2. “homicide, the unlawful killing of one person by another”

    Sorry for a bit of pedant-ism in advance, but – No. It irks me a bit when this is said.

    Too many people on the left think all human-on-human killings are murder. Nope. The words are distinct and not interchangeable.

    Just to clarify, for those who aren’t clear on this, homicide is a general term for when a person dies because of another human’s action.

    Murder is the unlawful killing of another human. Murder is a subset of homicide.

    A killing in a lawful self defense is still a homicide, but not a murder.

    An accidental killing is homicide, but not murder.

    My ex GF shooting and killing a co-worker while in a fit of paranoid-schizophrenia was not murder, but still homicide. So she wasn’t even considered for the death penalty, but the state did imprison her in a state mental facility.

    Here’s a reference to check it out further:

    Let’s not let sloppiness muddle up what’s true. Call it out when you see it. Otherwise you yourself may held to an erroneous standard.

  3. Thank you for that point, President Elect Dad of 4.

    A few years ago in Vancouver there was a headline that said “Coroner rules police shooting was a homicide.” A definite lack of fecal material Mr. Holmes.

    PS: Can I be the ambassador to Tahiti?

  4. Homo, man. Caedere, to slay.

    Put together in that fashion it’s homicide.

    In other forms it becomes two words not readily in a dictionary.

    We have canis occide, and infans occide. And many others.

  5. Fox unwittingly bombed a sleeping Pearl Harbor.
    The Proggy’s never realized that Fox was keeping the trusting conservatives corked in the bottle for the Left. Once it turned its coat in a momentous earthquake of spectacular public stupidity; millions of eyes were opened in seconds to the dangerous threat bearing down on their freedoms.
    Americans saw the once trusted umpire flip to the other side and help our enemy move the goalpost with an arrogance that took their breath away.
    That is why the instantaneous hatred of Fox burst forth into the light of their awareness and it dragged the slimey
    guts of the rotten democrat/media machine along for all to see and want to crush in their pain and outrage.
    “They have woken a sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible resolve.”

  6. @ NextAmbassadortoTahitiMattM NOVEMBER 12, 2020 AT 11:26

    “PS: Can I be the ambassador to Tahiti?”

    Consider it a done deal.

    I expect regular reports of your adventures. Your joy is our joy.

    May the whole nation experience the awesomeness of your assignment.

    Also, it’s your job until you don’t want it anymore. Deal?

  7. Off topic sort of because the establishment RINOS have their own part in this coming civil war.

    I’m sure all of you have seen Sen. Lankford was making demands on transition. Yeah, he pissed off a bunch of Oklahomans and not only did they let him know about it, they let a lot of other prominent Republicans in this state know about it. So he’s now trying to cover his ass by bald face lying. This story didn’t come from CNN, it came from an interview he gave to a radio station. But anyway here is his attempt to cover his ass and using a state Republican to help him.

    Representative Kevin McDugle House District 12

    I have received a number of texts, calls and messages about conservatives in Oklahoma who are mad or aggravated at Senator James Lankford for not supporting our president. He has fully supported our president and continues to do so once again the news media has twisted a story that’s getting everybody aggravated. Here is Senator Lankford‘s response below:

    That is completely false – that comes from a CNN story (who is not our friend, I thought everyone knew that) – I support the president, I have said it in endless media interviews over the past 9 days, I do not think he should concede the race, there are very real questions about the vote count, BUT, both sides should still receive their intel briefings because the outcome is unknown. Since the end of the summer 2020, Joe Biden (who is NOT President Elect) and President Trump have both received intel briefings every day because the outcome was unknown – that has now changed and Joe Biden is not getting briefings any longer. I disagree – we should treat this like the campaign is still going on and do both. During the 2000 recount with Bush and Gore, both sides received their intel briefings – why should this be different? Either way, the President absolutely should keep fighting as I have told his team and will continue to tell them. I have spoken on that in front of every microphone in DC this week. Senator Lankford

  8. @President Elect Dadof4: “Let’s not let sloppiness muddle up what’s true. Call it out when you see it. Otherwise you yourself may held to an erroneous standard.”

    Wise words. Agreed 143.86%.
    I’m not a Bible scholar but I used to play one at church.
    But. Even the 6th commandment is perhaps best translated as “You shall not murder.”
    Doesn’t make much sense to me if I read “You shall not homicide, or something.”


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