Judge sides with Trump, barring Pennsylvania from extending voter ID deadline – IOTW Report

Judge sides with Trump, barring Pennsylvania from extending voter ID deadline

Wa Ex: President Trump scored a victory in Pennsylvania, where a court ruled that a portion of mail-in ballots from voters who had failed to provide ID by Nov. 9 should not be counted.

The two-page order issued Thursday by an appellate judge ruled in favor of the Trump campaign’s case to discount ballots from voters who bypassed the deadline for confirming their identification. First time voters in the state are required to show proof of identification, which people typically do at the polls. New voters who cast their ballot by mail were asked to follow up separately with county officials to show ID.

While ballots were required to be submitted by Election Day, state law gives until Nov. 9 to present ID.

Citing a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling that gave a three-day extension to Nov. 12 for late-arriving ballots, Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat, issued guidance to county officials stating that the ID deadline could likewise be delayed by three days. Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt of Commonwealth Court said that Boockvar, who oversees the state’s elections, did not have the authority to do so, saying that the secretary of state “lacked the statutory authority” and ruling that election officials are “enjoined from counting any ballots that have been segregated” related to this ID guidance. MORE

5 Comments on Judge sides with Trump, barring Pennsylvania from extending voter ID deadline

  1. “…scored a victory…”

    When is “a” going to become “another”, followed by “yet another”?

    And in states not named “Pennsylvania” .

    We’ve been gnawing at the bones of this victory for too long. Fresh meat, please.

  2. I intended to vote on election day but got there after the polls closed. Where can I go now to cast my ballot for DJT?
    Isn’t that the same as the mail in ballots being counted now?

  3. From what I understand, (I’m not a constitutional lawyer, even though I play one in my mind) but any extension of voting after the polls close in any state is illegal. Only the votes cast of legal citizens in line after the polls close are legal votes.

    The states cannot pass any laws that violate the US Constitution.

    What am I saying? Look at what most of the Governors are doing. I should be ashamed of myself for even thinking that the states are being run by people who understand what a Republic is. Silly me.

    I need more coffee.


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