Jonathan Turley: There was vote fraud – IOTW Report

Jonathan Turley: There was vote fraud

WND: Jonathan Turley, a confirmed liberal who believes in a “living Constitution” that reflect contemporary society, is a scholar at George Washington University.

He has advised whistleblowers, military personnel, judges, members of Congress and others. He fought for the courts to strike down the federal law banning cohabitation. He challenged the Libyan war on behalf of members of Congress and was lead counsel to the House of Representatives in its challenge to Barack Obama’s off-the-cuff changes to the Affordable Care Act, resulting in a federal court decision that Obama violated the separation of powers by paying billions of dollars to insurance companies without congressional authorization.

And he says of the 2020 presidential election, “I think it’s clear at this point that voting fraud occurred.” more here

10 Comments on Jonathan Turley: There was vote fraud

  1. I’ve been making a conscious effort to stop using the terms “voting/voter fraud” and instead say “election fraud”. The latter term covers not only voters voting illegally, but also Dominion et al. cooking the books.

  2. I’m tired of the stupid question, could it have effected the Election. If it takes place in a swing state then that is a given. Then they ignore the cumulative effect. If you have 2000 dead votes, add 10,000 non-residents voting in two states, add 2500 illegal aliens and it can swing a election. You can’t just claim individually they are too few.

  3. Beyond just proving vote fraud occurred. We need to find out, prove, if it was enough to change the election, and thereby block Trump from being reelected. (I believe there was). But just proving there was vote fraud and perhaps convicting a few of the fraudsters, is not enough.

    Thirty some years ago my state legislature voted to approve a pay raise for themselves, that also included all state employees (which, btw, included justices on the state supreme court, a key point later in the story).

    A local man, a machinist, who was a keen reader of the state’s constitution. Kept calling in to a lawyer’s radio show trying to convince him the pay raise was voted in illegally, violating the state’s constitution, and he should sue them to stop the pay raise. After much trouble over a couple of months the lawyer was finally convinced he was right, and sued the state government over the pay raise. The pay raise for all employees would also greatly increase the cost burden for pensions. Not just annual salary cost.

    The case went to the state supreme court that ruled. Get this! Yeah, the pay raise was passed illegally, but it’s to late now. Everyone can keep their pay raise. But the legislature shouldn’t do it again.

    Therefore, a repeat of that kind of nonsense is what I fear with this election. Courts or other investigative bodies — will be pushed to look at the evidence of vote fraud, may even conclude there was massive voting fraud, enough to illegally give the win to Biden. But hey, it’s too late now, the country has been through enough already. Biden can keep the win. Get over it.

  4. President Trump was on his way to a MEGA MAGA landslide, and the Commies along with the McCain machine and Fox News knew they had to put a stop to it, so they called Arizona, and in the process started their fraudulent scheme of stealing the election. Yeah AZ will be forever tainted for that by the way.

    When history is written, if written correctly, it will not be kind to these assholes.

  5. Does US Federal Election Commission’s Chairman Trey Trainor’s belief that voter fraud is taking place – carry any more weight (authority) than one of us being convinced enough voter fraud took place to throw the victory to Biden?
    Can the FEC stop Biden officially being named President-elect, or is Trey just another complainer who can charge stolen election, as we do, but nothing more. . .


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