“President-Elect Karen” – IOTW Report

“President-Elect Karen”

9 Comments on “President-Elect Karen”

  1. I programmed my calculator to vote for me 95.7 million times. I won. Stop the election, I won. Don’t doubt me or I will put you on a list. You don’t want to be on my list, do you? Where is my crown? I need my crown. And my royal robes. I’m cold, I need my royal robe. It’s cold up here in Michigan. Give me my royal ro… Wait. I order Michigan to be 78 degrees year round. If my hero, Wretched Witless can pull laws out of her … um. I think I’ll go to bed now. I hear the warden coming. Lights out…

  2. I hope and pray the corruption is exposed and that recounts show President Trump was re-elected in part so we (and he) can send a big Fuck You to the Democrat Media Mafia, to the social media tyranny, and to all Democrats nationwide.

  3. One of my slew of kid sisters, whose name really is Karen would actually be a better President than Joe Biden. For one thing, there is nothing Karenistic about her at all. This cant be emphasized enough; my sister Karen is no Karen, unlike her three other sisters not named Karen who really are Karens. Does that make sense?

    Even better, she would have no problem resigning in favor of her 20 year old daughter, Yelena, who is a math and economics whiz kid with a full scholarship to the University of Chicago

    And there would be no Green New Deal nonsense with Yelena; Just straight up Milton Friedmanesque Chicago School free market remedies


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