She called 911 because of a car window – IOTW Report

She called 911 because of a car window

24 Comments on She called 911 because of a car window

  1. While the window was the point of conflict, she really called 911 because she is a power hungry ugly person and he wouldn’t bend to her will.

    She’s entitled, ya know. How dare you oppose her.

  2. she’s calling from inside the car after refusing to ‘de-car’- sure sounds like she’s not wearing a mask, and that’s probably why the driver wanted the window open.
    His car, his window.
    whenever anyone like her rides with me, I always tell them to make sure they’re wearing good shoes.

  3. Do you all remember when “Liberalism is a mental disorder” was popular, oh, say three months ago?

    Well, that was putting it very mildly. There needs to be a whole wing of each hospital in the US devoted to this disease.

    What color ribbon should we use? Blue background with baby-poop green/brown stains?

  4. One look at the hideous thing and you know the fetid smell must have been awful. Plus she got picked up at a casino, so you have to throw in cigarette and stale booze smells. The Lyft rules regarding Corona say you have to leave the window down. That, plus the aforementioned stench and there is no way the driver is going to roll up the window.

  5. I can only imagine the scene she must have made that prompted the driver to stop and ask her to get out of the car.

    She has all the ingredients for a very deadly plague – worse than covid. I don’t need to list them, this is a smart crowd.

  6. the dirtball
    NOVEMBER 14, 2020 AT 6:39 AM
    “From the looks of that thing, the Lyft driver needs one of those dividers between front and back seats.”

    …the cops used to call them “Hocker Stoppers” because it kept them from getting spat on from behind while driving with a Plexiglass portion on the drivers side overlaying the mesh that was meant to stop violent attacks, because some people could get cuffed hands around to the front, and strangle a cop with the cuffs or hit him with them. Sometimes a person left alone in a police car has even got in the front and stolen it, cuffs and all, because people are stupid.

    …thing is, that’s kind of an expensive thing that has to be screwed to the bottom of the inside of the car, and I think it’s safe to say that anyone driving Lyft in Portland probably doesn’t have money like that, and they don’t make them for every size car anyway…

    …easy version: don’t drive Lyft…

  7. …I worked on cars for a couple of decades professionally, and while I’m grateful I got out of that a few years before African Muslims became a “thing”, I DID have an issue with driving some of the cars that I could identify by culture.

    Setting aside the ones people were obviously living in, the scentiest groups I discovered at that time were Indians (the SE Asia kind) and North African Muslims.

    I think with the Indians diet did play some role in it as there is definitely a different smell they had in common, but there were also wildly variant perfumes that were used if there was a woman in the car that ranged between “clashing” and “cloying”. Usually lowering both windows for cross-ventilation could make this tolerable for my brief stint in the driver’s seat.

    The North Africans, by which I mean the Arab type, NOT Black expats from places like Egypt and Algeria, were a different story. It was like they, men and women, didn’t bathe much, but were aware there was a smell issue here but, instead of bathing, used colognes and perfumes instead. This was made worse by the fact they apparently used the CHEAPEST they could find and doused theirs elves in BUCKETS of it, and as this did NOTHING to alleviate the underlying body odor and, especially in the winter, they drove around with the windows up and the heater on HIGH, this aggravated the sweating AND evaporated more of the alcohol based colognes so when you got your ticket and went to the car, you got this wafture of a combination of funk and gallons of Lectric Shave that opening the door actually pulled TOWARD you with the suction broken on the sealed passenger compartment, thus instantly engulfing you in a non-breathable miasma of clashing, competing, odors that were each vile in their own way individually, but when they smashed against each other in open warfare in your suddenly conflagurated nostrils, it was like you could smell all the gasses released by the decaying bodies of the dead stank warriors at once even as their living comrades pressed on, stepping on the bodies of the fallen and forcing additional foetor out of them in their eagerness to directly invade and overwhelm the olfactory center in the middle of your brain.

    And even THAT doesn’t describe how nasty this was. It was like a stench made almost solid, a poltergeist of bygone armpit sweat with an almost physical presence shoving you away from the vehicle.

    I learned to drive ones like THIS with the door open and me literally hanging outside of the vehicle on the doorframe, with the side window becoming my windshield frame althogh with the glass firmly lowered so I could survive the 100 foot drive into the service bay without having to retch for a half-hour afterwards. It looked a little like the guy in the pink shirt here, but my uniform was uglier than that and also instead of a horse it was a hoopty, but you get the idea.

    …the Egyptians at least had an excuse, because the non-Black Egyptians (no, Black people with wings did NOT build the Pyramids) had a tradition going back to Pharonic times of perfume dousing, because those things they had on their heads were actually wax pots that they filled with perfume and let the sun melt, giving them rivulets of perfume all day long. Not saying I LIKE it, but I UNDERSTAND it…

    …but this is why…well, ONE reason why…I could never personally be a Lyft or Uber driver. I’m not the most smell-sensitive guy, I’ve smelled death and corruption, blood and burnt flesh, vomit, shit, fried insulation and torched plastic, sonetmes all at once, but I just can’t STAND the Funkafume combo I had to live with in the day, and I can’t blame THIS guy if HE has a similar reaction to this *chick*.

    …FWIW, I never noticed any particular smell about American Black people’s cars. At the time, they did seem to favor these crown-shaped air fresheners that were so big they had to go on the package shelf that were mildly vile in their own way, maybe a somewhat higher percentage smelled of bygone spliff, and there was a ubiquitous coconut smell from Black hair care products of the era, but other than that, Black car whiff wasn’t that bad.

    Although this PARTICULAR *woman* appears to have some personal care issues, so there’s that..

  8. I enjoy reading the @SNS posts. Why? For the most part, they are much more intelligent than assignments my students turn in. The second and more important reason is that there is about a 30% chance that I will learn a new word (funkafume??!?!)

    Going back to the story itself, why wouldn’t we expect a Dem to call 911 because someone will not break the law that she has either explicitly or implicitly approved because it is an inconvenience to her?

  9. President Elect Dadof4
    NOVEMBER 14, 2020 AT 3:04 PM

    …not sure how serious you are, but just in case, you should know that I was more energetic in my youth and have overlap in careers, even today. I started washing dishes when I was 14 and that overlapped with me starting to work on cars when I was 16, and I did these things concurrently for awhile when I dropped dishwashers and started going to college. At some point I started fighting fires as well, so I was the only person in the college garage with a light bar because I was working on cars, running 12 hour shifts of squad/FF on-call, and taking a full load of college courses when you ACTUALLY had to show up, all at the same time.

    NoDoz and Mountain Dew were my friends, as was the shots of adrenaline I got from running around on burning roofs. Mostly that combo kept me so sick to my stomach that I couldn’t sleep anyway, so I could get a LOT done.

    I dropped college when they implemented PC 101, but was still running fire and squad concurrently with working on cars, althogh I worked on cars at two different places over my two decades of that, but it was NOT both at the same time, but it WAS continuous when I quit one, I started the other. I wasn’t washing dishes by then, and I had to quit running Squad when a friend of mine (whose since passed, God bless him, but the fight between his wife and his girlfriend at his 70 year old guy funeral was EPIC) put me onto this place that just came to town where I could work on factory machinery instead of cars, and they were waving some REAL money around. Catch was, it was a start-up and they were running 14 hour shifts 7 days a week, and that was incompatible with my low-paying 12 hour shift ambulance work, and since I got married and was starting a family, I went with the money and was down to just working on food factory machines at this point. That’s were I’ve been for the last 25 years where I advanced to robotics when THEY did, but I started working electrical work at an antifreeze plant a couple years ago, so I’m back up to 2 concurrent careers.

    I raised a son to adulthood somewhere in there, along with some dogs, birds, and recently chickens.

    And that’s all the careers I’ve ever mentioned here if you wanna look. That’s my life, so I guess now you know it all for comparative purposes. I could go on about cars I’ve owned too, but that’s a different story for another day…

  10. President Elect Dadof4
    NOVEMBER 14, 2020 AT 3:04 PM

    …I left out getting saved in 2008, but that’s not works but grace, and working for the Lord is a privilege. It’s also concurrent, but just putting it in for the sake of completeness if you wanna compare that too.

    God bless,

  11. You missed the wink, SNS. They don’t stand out like they did before.

    I like and love you. Just saying – it would take 150 years for mere mortals to gain the experience and wisdom you have.

    It would be great to meet you some day. I’m sure I would talk less than usual so I could hear what you have to say.


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