Elon Musk: I Was Tested for COVID-19 4 Times. “Two Tests Came Back Negative, Two Came Back Positive” – IOTW Report

Elon Musk: I Was Tested for COVID-19 4 Times. “Two Tests Came Back Negative, Two Came Back Positive”

Something extremely bogus is going on. Was tested for covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD.


25 Comments on Elon Musk: I Was Tested for COVID-19 4 Times. “Two Tests Came Back Negative, Two Came Back Positive”

  1. I’m hearing about more and more things requiring recent negative Chinese flu teats. Such bullshit.

    Bet your ass if Biden is illegally handed the presidency, we’re going to see the ugliest government you never imagined.

  2. …you’ll notice the “spike” in the “Coronavirus” coincides with resistance to saying “President Elect Biden”.

    …it’s such a lovely tool for mass punishment and crowd control, innit?

    …almost like they don’t want us to be able to meet and talk anywhere they can’t easily monitor, and they’re just using this in advance of their formally stealing the election to abrogate our right to freely assemble, or something…

  3. We do two tests.. The quick test and the PCR test.

    I’ve had two PCR and forteen subsequent quick tests.. All negative.

    And the negative results of each test only verify the previous negative test. I can test negative and still be exposed only to test positive two weeks later

    Every one that tests positive on quick test gets a PCR. They all have shown positive on the PCR as a result.

    We had one patient to show positive on both tests that was sent to the hospital that subsequently tested negative.. But positive again a few days later.

    But then we’ve had patients that were negative within four hours of high fevers and a positive test..

    I’m not questioning the veracity of the tests.

    I’m questioning the veracity of a disease that requires a positive test for up to 75% of people to know that they have it.

  4. The PCR test can be manipulated just as easily as Dominion voting machines. If they need more positives to produce a SeCoNd wAvE, they just increase test iterations to 40 or more. If they need more negative tests to show that Biden is whipping the pandemic, they decrease test iterations to below 30. Kary Mullis, the guy who invented the PCR test, warned about this fraud potential years ago.

  5. A doctor that I trust told me that if you have a mild cold or have had a mild cold recently you will test positive for Covid. If you have the flu you will test positive.

    Very interesting that in my state suddenly they’re saying every county with the exception of two are in the red danger zone. Another funny thing is doctors that don’t buy into the bullshit say they can’t get flu tests right now. According to our state data since September 1st there have been only 50 tests with 35 positive. Every other year number of tests are in the hundreds.

  6. “Why does a guy as smart as Elon Musk is said to be need to see his own ambiguous test results before he thinks the situation is bogus?”

    Proof and verification using real evidence, everything else is just opinion based on hearsay from other sources.

    Give him credit for actually investigating it and reporting the results.


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