Update on the election and vote machines with Dan Bongino and Trump attorneys Giuliani, Ellis – IOTW Report

Update on the election and vote machines with Dan Bongino and Trump attorneys Giuliani, Ellis

In this episode, I interview team Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis about voting machines and election fraud.

19 Comments on Update on the election and vote machines with Dan Bongino and Trump attorneys Giuliani, Ellis

  1. “The second type of fraud involves counting. Data crunchers have produced powerful evidence that electronic voting machines in contested states were set to switch votes from Trump to Biden. … What’s good about computer fraud is that, while it can be hidden on a small scale, on a large scale, it leaves unmistakable clues. ..”

    https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/the_georgia_recount_may_be_as_corrupt_as_the_election_itself.html .

  2. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of todays Democrat party. They have excelled at voter manipulation and propaganda techniques beyond his wildest dreams for NAZI Germany.

  3. Nothing is going to be done about it, and nothing that is being tried will make any difference in who is President on January 20th.

    Biden will be declared the victor or, if Congress ends up making the choice and doe4sn’t want him, some other deep state Leftist will be President and Trump will be gone.

    And the Right will go along with it since the Right is afraid to actually go out and do something that will cost them more than just blustery verbiage and the Left is willing to put absolutely everything they have, including their lives, on the line to win. There may be a few isolated incidents but that’s all they will be, isolated incidents.

    I see, at best, about a 1 in 20 chance of Trump retaining power but I’m sure that will be disputed for those still sitting on the edge of their seats expecting a Trump landslide to happen.

  4. I have a dream. Biden gets his first intelligence briefing next week, after whining about it for a week. The intelligence briefing is all about the servers seized in Germany, and the massive vote-switching and deletion of Trump votes they found on them. Biden is briefed that he is NOT the president elect any longer, and that many of his cronies are being arrested as they speak. Yep, that would be a pure Trump move. I can dream.

  5. Now, on a related topic, why did Billery tell Biteme not to conceed under any circumstances? This also applies to DJT, and it puts him on the path to re-election.

    The path leads to Amendment Twelve of the Constitution allowing for the House of Representatives to elect the President. This has been discussed previously by many here, but what I did not realize is how significant The Concession – or lack thereof – is.

    Here is an interesting explanation


  6. There is a;ways Round Them Up by trump…sad for the Republic but Emperor Trump is better than President Biden and open borders Me again erasing America..Besides, Pinochet saved Chile by re building their Democracy until the Communists strike again in two years with Democrat help..

  7. Any fool can see that there was massive voter fraud {maybe even anonymous} and I wouldn’t count on Trump to just go quietly. He said he’d never stop fighting for us and until he does I’m solidly with him as most all of us are.
    The team is building a case and it takes time, patience is a virtue.

  8. “Any fool can see that there was massive voter fraud {maybe even anonymous} …. ”

    Of course there was voter fraud, but there is very little if anything that can be done about it retroactively other than recounting to catch bad vote counts.

    State legislatures could do something, like refusing to certify results, but that is highly unlikely to happen. Electors could simply refuse to cast their votes for Biden and elect Trump instead but that just flatly isn’t going to happen. Trump’s term ends on January 19th and he is not a legal President after that unless it ends up falling on Congress to appoint a new President and they appoint him, and that will not happen.

    So tell me, what do you expect t be done about it, what do you expect to happen?

    As for me, I don’t see much of a chance for a Trump win but if anyone could possibly pull it off he would be the one to do it (no one else would stand any chance at all). There will be no peace in our nation if he does somehow manage it, so be prepared to deal with that reality if it should somehow occur.

  9. “Any fool can be Anonymous”

    Don’t like the message and can’t speak intelligently against it?

    Attack the messenger.

    How about some suggestions, legal and practical ones, to address the issue and show anything that would be a different probable outcome or indicate different odds and how they would come about?

  10. Speaking of fools. YouTube/Google have earned that diagnosis.

    The propaganda message they’ve been placing below many videos confirms it. I’m tired of seeing it. You know the one I’m referring to.

    U.S. Elections
    The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google [Show me]
    Robust safeguards help insure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more [ -> ]

    YT/Google should borrow Twitter’s policy and label their own nonsense messaging with one of their tags stating the information window message is: [Misleading Information | Disputed Claim | Unverified Claim].

  11. “So tell me, what do you expect t be done about it”

    By others? Whatever they’ve been doing. Myself and people like myself?

    Well, I’ve gotten the message to sell my cloak and buy a sword. Looks like many others have gotten the same message seeing ammo is, at least, 3 times more expensive than this time last year.

    The targets will be the minions trying to force their treasonous will on me and mine.

    And yes, you are a coward for not having a consistent name so a history of comments let people know you are you and not just another random a**hole.

    Getting a gravatar should be sufficient. Remain a no-name, but let others know it’s YOU talking.


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