“Never bet against me.” – IOTW Report

“Never bet against me.”

Gateway Pundit:
“Never bet against me.” Those were President Trump’s closing words to Byron York in a Washington Examiner interview about the election battle being fought by the Trump campaign. York said that Trump initiated the interview with a phone call.

Trump spoke about each state where his campaign is contesting the election results with Democrat nominee former Vice President Joe Biden, expressing confidence that he will eventually win reelection.


The president called on Thursday morning to update the election challenges his campaign is making in several key states. The bottom line from our conversation: No matter what news organizations have projected, Trump says he’s confident he will win the states needed to get to 270 electoral votes. He quickly ran through the situation in six states.

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8 Comments on “Never bet against me.”

  1. Trump’s chances of victory are really slim, but anyone other than Trump would stand no chance at all.

    Hopefully he will at least be able to expose our voting system manipulations and frauds to the majority of people even if nothing can be done about this one and reforms, if any, will only affect our future elections.

  2. Again I ask: What is the use of a Federal Elections Commissioner and its board if they have “no jurisdiction” in how the states run (and audit and recount) their elections?

    Why haven’t we read anything from the DoJ’s Civil Rights Division about their “Election Day Program”. This is a special program that has, apparently, been in place at the DoJ for a long time.

    Long excerpt: “United States Attorney Hyslop said, “Voting is a fundamental right of every citizen of this Nation and is one of the foundations of our democracy. Every citizen entitled to vote must be able to do so without interference or discrimination and to have that vote counted without it being stolen because of fraud. The Department of Justice will always act appropriately to protect the integrity of the election process. We will work to ensure those who seek to corrupt the right to vote are brought to justice.”

    The Department of Justice has an important role in deterring election fraud and discrimination at the polls, and combating these violations whenever and wherever they occur. The Department’s long-standing Election Day Program furthers these goals, and also seeks to ensure public confidence in the integrity of the election process by providing local points of contact within the Department for the public to report possible election fraud and voting rights violations while the polls are open through election day.

    Federal law protects against such crimes as intimidating or bribing voters, buying and selling votes, impersonating voters, altering vote tallies, stuffing ballot boxes, and marking ballots for voters against their wishes or without their input. It also contains special protections for the rights of voters, and provides that they can vote free from acts that intimidate or harass them. For example, actions of persons designed to interrupt or intimidate voters at polling places by questioning or challenging them, or by photographing or videotaping them, under the pretext that these are actions to uncover illegal voting may violate federal voting rights law. Further, federal law protects the right of voters to mark their own ballot or to be assisted by a person of their choice (where voters need assistance because of disability or illiteracy).

    Yesterday, the Department of Justice released additional information on Election Day efforts to protect the right to vote and the prosecution of ballot fraud. A copy is attached.”

    (This article features the area of eastern Washington state, but again — apparently — this is deployed across the country.)


  3. Naturally, the legacy media is churning out “Trump is fuming, isolated, alone in his bathrobe, refusing to listen to advice to concede, lashing out…” stories, all sourced anonymously, which are remarkably similar to the crap they shoveled in early 2017, when they began their first failed coup attempt. After four years of their fails, you’d think they’d try something else. But I guess we should expect the same shit for FOUR MORE YEARS.

  4. Anonymous
    NOVEMBER 14, 2020 AT 8:18 AM
    “Trump’s chances of victory are really slim, but anyone other than Trump would stand no chance at all.”

    …anyone other than Trump would have conceded before the polls closed, because that’s what the globalists would have told them to DO, and they’d simply DO it, no questions asked, because that’s what the script says…

    …one reason McStain and Mittens hate the President so much is that when THEY were told to throw their elections to Barky…they did just that, for the good of the Unitary. Both were winnable had they actually campaigned, but both were surrendered LONG before the election.

    And that’s what Jeb! was SUPPOSED to do with Hillary, but our President screwed all THAT up, then REFUSED to surrender HIMSELF…AND WON.

    …and THAT’S why they HATE him so implacably.

    Because he proved a MAN could WIN.

    …which proved that THEY were no men AT ALL…

  5. They have been pressing the narrative of him not accepting defeat and refusing to leave.
    Even used it as a debate question.
    Now,they’ve established the coronation of their new god, president elect Biden.
    Bonus question:

    What’s the difference between Joe Biden and a sack of shit?
    The sack.

  6. All I know is never bring a Republican to a street fight. Bunch of Marys. The salvation of the Republican party is going to be the newly elected women.Trump is a true fighter I just wish he had more freaking help.

  7. Again they underestimated Trump, they expected him to concede by now. I don’t believe they expected their vote fraud to be investigated and I’m hoping that miscalculation made them sloppy enough to get caught. Never give up, never apologize for your beliefs – two of the things President Trump has tried to teach his country.


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