Circuit Judge In Crooked Wayne County, MI Ignores Horror Stories From Bullied GOP Poll Challengers…Refuses To Stop Certification of Election Results – IOTW Report

Circuit Judge In Crooked Wayne County, MI Ignores Horror Stories From Bullied GOP Poll Challengers…Refuses To Stop Certification of Election Results

100%FedUP: In what can only be described as a shocking decision, Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Timothy Kenny has denied a request to stop the canvassing and certification of Wayne County’s election result, calling sworn affidavits of six GOP poll challengers and a Detroit City Clerk employee whistleblower account, “not credible.”

Kenny also rejected poll challengers’ request for an independent audit of the county’s results, citing that state law governs the audit process.

Detroit News – The judge cast doubt on the affidavits of several GOP poll challengers who were present during the absentee counting process, writing that they had not attended an Oct. 29 walkthrough of operations at TCF Center and “did not have a full understanding” of the process.

Poll challengers, represented by the Great Lakes Justice Center, requested an independent audit of the Wayne County election results before the scheduled Tuesday completion of certification, a halt to the certification process, an order voiding the county’s results and a new election in Wayne County.

Former MI State Senator Patrick Colbeck, an aerospace engineer, and author, was a poll challenger at TCF Center. He spoke with The Gateway Pundit publisher Jim Hoft about seeing evidence that the Dominion Voting Systems were connected to the internet.


11 Comments on Circuit Judge In Crooked Wayne County, MI Ignores Horror Stories From Bullied GOP Poll Challengers…Refuses To Stop Certification of Election Results

  1. Nospyme, in fact I saw it. So far I like the heck out of her. She seems to be a genuine warrior for our side, but she hasn’t delivered a big win yet. We have to have something in the win column!

  2. joe6pak
    NOVEMBER 13, 2020 AT 9:37 PM
    “Do the good guys have any recourse?”

    …yep. The Second Amendment.

    ‘Do any of the good guys have the will to fight?”

    …we’ll find out on December 14th, I suppose, if all else fails, when we see if you bring your gun and I bring mine, and everyone ELSE who loves freedom and won’t accept a tyrannical pedophile brings theirs…

    …I mean, WE’RE good guys, right?

    …guess we’ll find out…

  3. I knew without a doubt he was going to rule against them. I watched the hearing and it was beyond obvious he was a demoncrat judge. He kept arguing the affidavit from some election person said everything was done by law, none of this stuff happened. The plaintiff’s attorney kept arguing he wasn’t there so he wasn’t a witness, his clients were there and witnessed it and have sworn affidavits of what they witnessed.
    Then at one point the judge argued Republicans were screaming and causing a scene, the attorney said his clients were not doing that so that had nothing to do with them. The judge said that well it wouldn’t have been democrats screaming.

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