We Are All Southerners Now – IOTW Report

We Are All Southerners Now

American Thinker:

By E.M. Cadwaladr

When I was growing up in Ohio, the South began at the banks of the Ohio river.  Below that muddy line, everyone knew, there lived a different breed of backward and uneducated people with lazy minds and even lazier language skills.  You could have contempt for them, a privilege I indulged from time to time.  I personally learned this contempt from two main sources.

The first was from the television.  Any discerning youngster could see that denigrating Southerners was the daily fare of the national news.  Nothing very good was ever said about that corner of America.  TV reporters were more polite then than they are now, but even back in the day, there was something both explicitly and implicitly New York–ish about the evening news.  New York was where the networks lived.  The South was a place reporters visited after they had prepared themselves by reporting from a war zone or a third-world country for a while. It was a land where police dogs were set loose on black children and liberal activists as a matter of course.  Where obese and narrow-minded sheriffs refought the Civil War from their beat-up cruisers.  Where nothing was ever produced to the country’s general account but brutish oppression and inbred misery.  This was the South I saw on television in the late sixties and early seventies.  This was the South that television invented.

The second reinforcer of my anti-Southern bias was much closer to home.  My mother was not a fan.  The genesis of her resentment was that she grew up during World War Two — when a flood of white migrants from Kentucky and black migrants from places even farther over the horizon came north to take the factory jobs that were plentiful at that time.  The local, mostly German Catholic population were appalled by the horde of Baptist newcomers and their rustic ways.  It took a couple of generations to mend these fences.  My mother never did entirely surrender her hostility.  When I eventually looked into our family’s genealogy, I found, to my surprised amusement, that about half of my mother’s family landed in Virginia and became Northerners only after a multi-generational sojourn through what was then the wilderness of Kentucky.  Hillbillies we were.  Backwoods hicks.  Rude farmers and deplorable pioneers. read more

12 Comments on We Are All Southerners Now

  1. I was watching an episode of Criminal Minds several years ago, and there had been a gruesome murder in a rural are of Wisconsin. The team went to a trailer park to question witnesses, and the people who lived there all had southern accents. To Hollywood writers, anyone in a mobile home is a southerner and dumb.

  2. I have no horse in the North-South race, because I’m from the Southwest, which has its own problems, but it always annoyed me when Northerners would talk shit about Southerners this way:

    Toothless, cousin-marrying, trailer park living, dumb, stupid accents, on their front porches drinking moonshine, etc.

    Well, let me tell you what I see in the North:

    Toothless- I’ve seen men and women with a mouth full of gold teeth or none at all.

    with the rampant amount of baby-mama welfare, where kids are born out of wedlock because mama is screwing 10 men a month- you can’t tell me some of those kids aren’t screwing their own relatives not even realizing they are related to each other! lol. If you don’t think the kids from the 3 or 4 litters “DAD A” produced aren’t running into each other, you’re sadly mistaken.

    trailer park living-
    Section 8. Some trailer parks are nice. But you can’t say the same for section 8s.

    People like AOC. You can’t explain that.

    stupid accents-
    ‘Yous guys gotsta be kiddin’.’ or
    ‘Ain’t nobody got time fo dat shit, naaaaaaah meaaaan?’
    or ‘Que? No ingles’

    on their front porches drinking moonshine-
    Same. But with malt liquor, case of cheap beer, or Vodka.

    Wash your hands, keep your legs closed, get a job.
    That goes for everybody.

  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd let’s not fergit the draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, rapist, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence pedaling man from Trailerparkinsas who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the bicycle seat-sniffing troll who single-handedly dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by bringing the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper!

  4. When you have to keep reminding yourself and others, how superior you are, you’re not.
    Dad was a Wisconsin Republican, it was tough in the Democrat South, in the ’60s.
    Funny enough, what I witnessed in the ’60s as a clear eyed child, it’s happening again, north of the Mason-Dixon.
    Difference, the colours are changed, white sheets are black hoodies now.

  5. When I moved to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin in Fall of ’74 from Dallas, it was definitely more racist than Dallas.

    They even had their own town just east of L.G., Ivanhoe, that no one from high school wanted to go to and you would have a bad reputation if you did and had friends (black) there.

    Even today, I see the north is much more racist than the south. I think that’s why they assume the south is so bad. They are truly bigoted – they aren’t speaking from an experience of living here.

    Race relations have definitely gotten worse everywhere because of the left’s deep racism.

    That’s what identity politics is. Amazing they have no self awareness about it. My most lefty friend looks confused when I point out his inherent racism in his politics. But he’s bipolar, he believes whatever pops in his head over any proof you can provide.

    I do what I can to point out that there is only one race – human. We all came from the same lineage – Adam and Eve.

    Satan is making you believe they are your brothers and sisters. No where in the Bible does it say to hate others of a different skin color. Just the descendants of the fallen angels that polluted mankind’s gene pool..

  6. My dad’s family is from the north east, my mom’s moved around her whole childhood, but both were born and raised in the southwest.

    I currently live in the southwest, but was born in the northwest.

    …Intelligence and morality have nothing to do with where you are born, it’s how you were raised.


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