Tammy Kicks CNN Square in the Nads – IOTW Report

Tammy Kicks CNN Square in the Nads

And it’s Glorious!

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: CNN’s Christiane Amanpour took to the air and compared DJT supporters to Nazis purging Jews as she showed Kristallnacht imagery of exactly what “antifa” and BLM have been doing for months now. Tammy Bruce completely shreds her and her ethically-challenged network. WATCH

10 Comments on Tammy Kicks CNN Square in the Nads

  1. We all know what contemptible sycophantic boobs the CNN romper room staff is (Foxnews is not far behind) but I would prefer Tammy go on CNN and tell them to their smug condescending faces. Do it in person, in front of the weasels and their audience, that will have the most impact.

  2. Jerry Manderin/JDHasty ; I also listened to Tammy on the radio and wrote her several e-mails way back when. One of the subjects was about the “new” craze at the time, tattoos. I was glad to hear she was agains’t them.

  3. That is as fired up and passionate and spot on target as I have ever heard her.

    Question: Didn’t she used to comment on iOTW many years ago, or am I hallucinating again?

  4. Decades ago when KABC was conservative talk she was ione if the hosts. Being conservative I listened to the when in my car. Others were: Larry Elder, Dennis Prager – forgot the rest. OLD

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