Juan Williams is symptomatic of what’s wrong with Fox News – IOTW Report

Juan Williams is symptomatic of what’s wrong with Fox News

American Thinker:

By Donald N. Finley

Juan Williams penned an op-ed for The Hill on Monday claiming “Too many men of color got conned by Trump.” 

I won’t repeat all the voting numbers and percentages, but it’s obvious Williams was offended by the minority turnout supporting President Trump.  Why would he make such a colossal blunder of insulting a wide swath of minorities?  It’s the equivalent of calling them “deplorables” or “chumps,” insinuating they have less wit or intelligence than those who voted for Biden. 

Williams quoted Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) talking about how she can “never, ever forgive them” and singer John Legend saying these minorities mistake bullying for strength and greed for business acumen.  He quoted some SNL comedian who insulted the many rappers who publicly supported Trump: “Rappers are not Black Leaders — they’re just rappers.  Stop negotiating with them.”  The significance of these quotes, specifically from people so insignificant, was lost to me. 

Williams’s low opinion of these independent-thinking minority men was capped off with his accusation that their support for Trump was also support for a series of racist comments and actions by President Trump, taken out of context, and most already disproven multiple times.  But make no mistake: Williams followed the Democrat playbook by calling these minorities, who simply have differing opinions from his, racists.  Most shocking was his claim that the only explanation for minority men liking Trump is they are culturally caught up in “Latin machismo and Black gangsta rap lyrics” and “a fascination with big money, grabbing women, including porn stars, and Trump’s La Vida Loca lifestyle.”  Why hasn’t that been reported on Fox News? read more

h/t Systemically Confused

21 Comments on Juan Williams is symptomatic of what’s wrong with Fox News

  1. So the dems lost a large share of hard working, independent thinking blacks who had the courage to reject tribal group think. Who does that leave for them to pander to next election? The worst of the worst.

  2. IMHO, Juan and Eva Longoria, whom we all know got famous by not laying on a casting couch….have made it clear that this election was about race, and not the betterment of America as a country. We’ll remember .

  3. You say “conned”, Won, I say “enlightened”, who fits in on the plantation better, Uncle Won?
    Actually(/milly), if you have ever read the classic, Uncle Tom, was a powerful man.
    I doubt Won knows that though.

  4. Fox is dead. D-E-A-D. It is NEVER coming back because WE never coming back to it.

    The lesson for the likes of Fox News and any organization we put our trust into: one strike and you’re out.

    Fox New is on the same dung heap as the GOPe. May they all rot together.

  5. C’mon man. Juan is the Magic-man. Proving the impossible is possible. I thought he couldn’t get worse. That he was already at the immovable bottom of the barrel. No lower level possible.

    But he has proved I was wrong. He has gotten worse since election day. Before he was difficult to listen to. Now completely impossible.


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