Graham: Nevada Signature Machines Weren’t On – IOTW Report

Graham: Nevada Signature Machines Weren’t On


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Fox News on Thursday that Nevada’s signature-confirming machines were allegedly not working.

“Signature verification in Nevada was meaningless because they set the computer up on a setting where it would approve anything,” he said.

He claims the machine didn’t check the signatures of millions of ballots, adding that Trump’s team may win the lawsuit there. watch

9 Comments on Graham: Nevada Signature Machines Weren’t On

  1. Those ballots cannot be included in the vote total unless and until the legitimacy of the person casting tha ballot can be confirmed with some reasonable degree of accuracy.

  2. I don’t recall reading any statements released by our Secretary of State, Barbara Cegavske, but am hearing rumors that she’s frustrated with Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria.

  3. What is the political leaning of the Nevada legislature?

    They may end up being the one to decide who gets their State’s electoral votes if the normal votes are kicked out for some reason.

  4. “He claims.”
    Much like his constant calling for “possible” investigations that as
    we all know, never materialized. Graham-stander is more interested in
    appearing on TV news shows than anything.


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