The Shaming of the Shrew – IOTW Report

The Shaming of the Shrew


Jeff Davidson

From the middle of the last century forward, Mamie Eisenhower, Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, Rosalynn Carter, Nancy Reagan, and Barbara Bush, in one way or another, were all gracious First Ladies. They supported their husbands, undertook worthwhile causes, and served as viable ambassadors for the United States. 

A Different Era, to Be Sure

One could argue that they all were raised in an era of male dominance, before the Women’s liberation movement took hold. Nevertheless, they were accomplished in their own right. Most did not simply bask in the glory of their husbands. Many were well-versed in literature and had sterling academic credentials. Most had traveled widely, and some could speak foreign languages.

Two other first ladies, not in the chain cited above, could be added to the list, including Laura Bush and Melania Trump. These two ladies, in the face of withering criticism of their husband, of their families, and of themselves, maintained composure and spoke with eloquence. 

They each demonstrated maturity and decorum, which many members of the press and those who opposed their husbands politically would be fortunate were they to acquire those attributes.

Different Strokes

Two first ladies in recent times are anything but what was described above. The first, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is foul-mouthed and eager to cuss out those with whom she disagrees politically. She could make a hardened sailor blush with her gutter language, and we’re talking about long before 2016, or even 2008. more

12 Comments on The Shaming of the Shrew

  1. Why does he need to put /sarc after his comment? After reading his list of bona fides and than his unaffiliated bullshit, I was done with him too.

    Does it take a Masters degree or the need to tell me how much you read(I’m no slouch myself) or how much you’ve traveled to make case that Big Mike is an asshole?

    And telling me you’ve voted for dems is a big red flag. These are the pols that have allowed our big cities to degenerate into shitholes and telling me you’re open to their lies is supposed to be a winning point??? Get real bub.

    Why didn’t he include his gardening or cooking skills? Maybe he reroofed his house last week, throw that in as well.

    See what I mean?

  2. last line of the article (emphasis added):

    Mrs. Obama, you don’t fool me, and you don’t fool the 72 million of us who voted for Donald Trump.

    If you stopped reading at “unaffiliated” you wouldn’t have seen that he voted for President Trump. Affiliation is a whole lot less important than who you vote for.

  3. To me, unaffiliated means uncommitted. I sure as hell am not happy with the Republican Party but I also I’m not open to a fucking word any dem has to say. It’s a nose count and we’ve got a party of stinkers. But any dem that’s not flat out evil is stupid as a rock.

    Saying your unaffiliated is virtue signaling. Oh look at me, I’m willing to give the other side a chance to make their case. Fuck him and his BS.

    Who is the one dem that was the least insane this cycle? Tulsi Gabbard and look at how she is demonized. Unaffiliated my ass.

  4. I just quit the Colorado GOP and registered as non-affiliated.
    Still conservative with a libertarian streak. This state as open primaries so membership has almost no value. With very few exceptions, the Colorado GOP is the little sister of the Democrat party. They don’t want to win because then they would be responsible for everything. The dems are hard core lefties and most of the GOP establishment are bushies/globalists.

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