There’s a lot of shade in Virginia – IOTW Report

There’s a lot of shade in Virginia

Gateway Pundit:

Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred in This State Too.

There’s something going on….

The Virginia results in the 2020 Election for President gave Joe Biden a 2.4 million vote lead over President Trump’s 2.0 million votes.  What’s odd and needs investigating is how the election ended up this way.

No one seems to be questioning the votes in Virginia but they should be.  There are multiple reasons why the Virginia results in the 2020 Presidential election should be investigated.

Virginia’s election results started coming in shortly after the polls closed on Election Day.  There were 378 separate entries or feeds related to Virginia found in the file obtained and shared around the web from the New York Times since a few days after the election.  The NYT data feed shows all the entries from the NYT for the Presidential election at a state by state level. This data does not include county or precinct level data feeds.

One oddity in the file noted immediately is that the results for votes are not in whole integers (e.g. 1, 2, 3…).  All of the entries have fractional amounts.  This makes no sense since ballots do not come in fractions in the US.  Each vote equals one vote.


9 Comments on There’s a lot of shade in Virginia

  1. When VA early voting started seeing the HUGE lines I thought there was no way people were going to stand in line for hours after suffering from governor black faces mandates and attacks on the 2nd amendment to vote for mask mandate I’ll take your gun Biden. I would check MN too. I’m sure a lot of states were stolen.

  2. “…All of the entries have fractional amounts.”

    …well, racist Democrats probably moved Black Trump voters back to 3/5ths of a vote, just like they did back in the day…

  3. @DrMc — The system has been corrupt for a lot longer than a generation. Take a look at the history of ballot access laws. TPTB have been controlling our lists of choices for a very long time. Very few write-in campaigns are successful (Murkowski in Alaska was the first U.S. senator to win with a write-in in a half century and she wouldn’t have been successful without being an established establishment pol).


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