New York Sheriff Stands Up to Cuomo — Refuses to Enforce His Anti-Thanksgiving Decree – IOTW Report

New York Sheriff Stands Up to Cuomo — Refuses to Enforce His Anti-Thanksgiving Decree

Dan Bongino: Fulton County Sheriff Richard Giardino has publicly declared he won’t be enforcing New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 10-guest limit for Thanksgiving get togethers. In a Facebook post, the sheriff pointed out that he didn’t think the order was constitutional.

With regard to the Thanksgiving Executive Order, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office will NOT be enforcing it against our County residents. Frankly, I am not sure it could sustain a Constitutional challenge in Court for several reasons including your house is your castle. And as a Sheriff with a law degree I couldn’t in good faith attempt to defend it Court, so I won’t.

The sheriff also added,

We have limited resources and we have to set priorities, so obtaining a Search Warrant to enter your home to see how many Turkey or Tofu eaters are present is not a priority. We won’t be doing that. The only way to enter your residence is if we have a warrant, we are invited in or an exigent or emergency circumstance exist. We have three patrols a shift for 500 square miles, monitoring Family Dinners aren’t our priority. So don’t feel a need to hide cars, cover with leaves or walk 3 blocks so your house doesn’t become a target of the Governors EO.

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18 Comments on New York Sheriff Stands Up to Cuomo — Refuses to Enforce His Anti-Thanksgiving Decree

  1. Gypsie cuomo’s father was a serial rapist in the 1970s in Queens using a fake badge and driving what looked like an unmarked police car. Gypsie cuomo is himself a murderer and a thief. But please, let him continue to tell you how to live.

  2. A Sheriff with a law degree, that’s an interesting combination. Here in Washington our governor just laid out some more restrictions of our freedom. He tried to say only members of your household can be over for Thanksgiving dinner.

  3. Typical responses to the growing in numbers posts describing ever more blatant governmental over reach usually includes calls for civil insurrection, civil war, or something involving taking back our government through violence or force of action. Although de rigueur and something I genuinely sympathize with, a blueprint for action which seems at all reasonable of effective always escapes me. This just might be a starting point.

    County sheriffs, the chief law enforcement officer of each county, each has the power to say ,”Not only no, but fuck NO!!” when expectations arise for them to violate both their oath and The Constitution WRT demands of enforcing laws or edicts unsavory to the people of their county. More and more sheriffs through out the land need to let those in the state capitals know that the laws are meaningless without an enforcement arm, and they provide that arm. Good on Sheriff Richard Giardino.

  4. Cuomo doesn’t have to worry. I’m sure he’ll have plenty of “Karens” (sorry, those named Karen) who will volunteer to snoop on their neighbors and report them to Cuomo’s “Reporting Freedom Loving Americans” hot line.

  5. Choice! Unless NYS’s Constitution is different from those of most other States, the Sheriff is THE ranking LEO there – and Killer Kuomo can’t do a damned thing about it!

    GREAT job on the face, MJA!!!

  6. All American traditions, observances, and celebrations, particularly those that have any kind of religious nature or connotation, must be destroyed and replaced with something different if the new order of the ages is to be put in place.

    Thanksgiving is just one of them.

  7. In most (if not all) states, the Governor cannot create fines or imprisonment without legislative action.

    So, in other words, Governors who are instructing the citizens to obey whatever he, or she says (such as, stand on your heads while wearing a face mask, etc.),…or else…or else what?.

    Only the legislators can impose fines and/or imprisonment for disobeying ANY decree from the Governor.

  8. Ciller Cuomo needs to be arrested for mandating putting sick Covid-19 patients in NYS nursing homes without having a law passed to do so. Also he is not licensed to practice medicine.

  9. Joe6pak; I am not very happy with Governor Pinheadslee’s unconstitutional mandate about how I and my family should celebrate Thanksgiving. If he thinks that we will eat outside on a cold November Thanksgiving day with no more than 5 or 6 people and a time limit of 2 hours he can go to Hell. One thing I do know is I will not give thanks for our lousy pinhead governor. I want to see him impeached like they’re trying to do with Michigan’s governor or recalled and forcibly removed from office, pronto.

  10. @joe6pak – what is a “member of my household?”

    Anyone I invite into my house becomes “a member of my household” as long as they’re here. 🙂

    Inslee is just an idiot who tries so hard to sound like a nice guy. I wonder what the Chinese are paying him.

  11. @pianamusic:

    In most (if not all) states, the Governor cannot create fines or imprisonment without legislative action.

    So, in other words, Governors who are instructing the citizens to obey whatever he, or she says (such as, stand on your heads while wearing a face mask, etc.),…or else…or else what?.

    Only the legislators can impose fines and/or imprisonment for disobeying ANY decree from the Governor.

    Unfortunately, states HAVE legislated this into “state of emergency” powers for their governors.

    I’m in Florida (thank goodness! DeSantis is pretty good…not perfect but pretty good) and the law here is Title IV (Executive Branch), Chapter 14 (Governor, Section 021 (promulgation and enforcement of emergency rules and regulations). You can read it here, but key wording is:

    (1) The Governor of Florida is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate and enforce such emergency rules and regulations as are necessary to prevent, control, or quell violence, threatened or actual, during any emergency lawfully declared by the Governor to exist. In order to protect the public welfare, persons and property of citizens against violence, public property damage, overt threats of violence, and to maintain peace, tranquillity, and good order in the state, these rules and regulations may control public parks, public buildings, or any other public facility in Florida and shall regulate the manner of use, the time of use, and persons using the facility during any emergency. These rules and regulations shall have the same force and effect as law during any emergency and shall affect such persons, public buildings, and public facilities as in the judgment of the Governor shall best provide a safeguard for protection of persons and property where danger, violence, and threats exist or are threatened among the citizens of Florida.

    Most if not all states have the same kind of stinkin’ crap statutes.

  12. You know, bullies and tyrants will keep throwing their weight around until someone punches back. Thank you Sheriff Giardino, and all you other patriot LE officials,

  13. Love the Sheriff’s comments but I gotta say New York is dead to me. You get what you elect, good luck.. mostly to those exiting the state, unless you’re bringing your shithouse politics with you.


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