Sen. Portman enrolled in Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine trial – IOTW Report

Sen. Portman enrolled in Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine trial

Sara Carter: Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) told CNBC on Tuesday that he enrolled in Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial 12 days ago, CNBC reports.

Portman told CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that he signed up for the clinical trial because he wanted to demonstrate that vaccines are important to ending the ongoing pandemic.

“The most important thing we can do right now is get these vaccines out and on the market, and we’ve got to ensure people are actually going to get vaccinated,” the junior senator from Ohio said, on camera from Capitol Hill while wearing a mask. He also emphasized the importance of wearing masks and practicing social distancing.

“It’s one thing to have the vaccines, which I think will be ready by the end of this year, so really in just a month and a half, but we’ve got to be sure that people are willing to be vaccinated,” Portman continued. “So the reason I participated in this trial was because I think the vaccines are so important.” read more

15 Comments on Sen. Portman enrolled in Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine trial

  1. “The most important thing we can do right now is get these vaccines out and on the market, and we’ve got to ensure people are actually going to get vaccinated,” the junior senator from Ohio said“

    If they would quit conflating flu and other illnesses’ numbers, which act as cattle prods with which the commie bastards herd us into submission, we might stop and THINK!

    We have become a bunch of compliant sheep. EXCEPT TRUMPINATORS!

  2. I’ve been hearing for awhile from hospital staff, all the way down to housekeeping that their bosses have been telling them when the vaccine is available that they will be the first to get them and they won’t have an option to opt out and keep their job.
    Nursing home workers are being told the same thing, home health workers are being told the same.

    How long before that spreads to police and fire, then to state employees, county employees, city employees and then spreads to private companies and before long you can’t buy food without a vaccine?

    People will say that’s just a conspiracy theory, bet those same people would have said a year ago it was a conspiracy theory that government would shut down private businesses, mandate masks, close down parks and schools, mandate curfews, etc.

    I bet many of those people are the same people who locked themselves in their homes with their masks, shields, gloves, lysol wipes and gallons of hand sanitizer.

    How the hell did we become a country full of so many pussies?

  3. I’m guessing there will be enough people not taking the vaccine voluntarily that we will be forced to take it. Velvet glove style persuasion at first, with all sorts of social and economic pressure being put on those who don’t, then iron glove style and forcefully by legislation requiring it that delivers severe penalties to those that don’t.

    IMO, I may be wrong.


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