Chickenhawk Mitt – IOTW Report

Chickenhawk Mitt

Patriot Retort: One of the things President Trump has been trying to do for the last several years is bring to an end that mission creep masquerading as a war in Afghanistan.  For nearly twenty years, two generations of fighting men and women have been stuck in a shithole fighting for … well … something or other. Nobody ever seems to give a reason why we’re still there.

And now the usual suspects who love to bang the war drums for your loved ones to go off to some shithole on the other side of the planet are really super angry that President Trump seeks to withdraw thousands of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Chief among them, Chickenhawk Mitt Romney. That Senator from Utah famous for his military service and acts of valor during the war in …

… wait.

That’s right. Mitt Romney has never served this country in uniform. more

16 Comments on Chickenhawk Mitt

  1. I was about to write that the Republican Party may become the peace party and the Democrat Party will will become the war party.

    But that’s exactly the way it was in the 20th Century. WWI, WWII, Korea, and the Vietnam wars happened when we had democrat presidents.

    Liberals show their manliness with the lives of other people. Since they have embraced “globalism”, they will have to have our troops in every country that resists global socialism.

  2. I am conservative~! Did not vote for liberal Mitt! Every year this GWB tool makes me happy!
    He and GWB never went to war! I did and have the scars!(3)
    Happy to make cannon fodder of me but these 2 cowards never went to war!

  3. ” The object of war isn’t having some poor bastard die for his country, it’s making sure we make a profit when the poor bastard dies for his country.
    5 Star Major Asshole Mittens W Romney.

  4. I hate Mitt Romney.
    And I hate that we’re in Afghanistan.
    BUT, we are there.
    We have already secured a level of peace.
    And I would hate to squander that peace the way Obama did by abandoning Iraq.
    So I am torn.


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