Will a vaccine set us free? – IOTW Report

Will a vaccine set us free?


How safe will you be if you get the Moderna “95% effective” vaccine?

Pfizer and Moderna have announced impressive-sounding effectiveness figures for their revolutionary vaccines. These mRNA vaccines, instead of injecting a weakened virus, use a genetically engineered messenger RNA that turns your own cells into vaccine factories. You make viral spike proteins, then your immune system makes antibodies to this foreign protein. The idea is that the antibodies will attach to the virus so it can’t enter your cells. Or that your killer T-cells will recognize the spikey virus and destroy it.

Ingenious – but novel and minimally tested.

You may think that “95% effective” means that you are almost completely protected if you come in contact with the virus. Not exactly. It means that so far 90 of confirmed COVID-19 cases in 30,000 study participants were in the placebo group, including the 11 “severe” cases, and only five were in the vaccinated group. The other 29,900 or so haven’t gotten infected yet, vaccinated or not.

Moderna is applying for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to roll out the vaccine. It could be that you will have to have proof of vaccination to travel, work, or go to school.

Things we don’t know: more

11 Comments on Will a vaccine set us free?

  1. Apparently, the Moderna vaccine can be stored at normal refrigerator temperatures but the Pfizer vaccine requires -70°C. There’s a lot of talk that Moderna will win the battle just on that.

  2. …sure. Get your vaccine and you’re Triple 6 forehead tattoo to show you have it, and you’ll be just FINE with the globalists for the rest of your life with the BONUS that there’s no point in you wasting time in Church anymore or trying to live a moral life, just don’t DIE, ever, because your benefits kind of become liabilities at that point…

  3. Yeah, I won’t be getting a vaccine. This is how stupid this shit is. I looked up the numbers on our state’s site. I’m sure all of you can do math like I can and see how their numbers don’t add up. In case you need help add up each chronic condition and see how it is more than the at least 1 chronic condition and more than the total number of deaths. If you can’t even get those numbers to match up, then why should I trust anything you say?

    Deaths – 1588


    At least 1 chronic condition
    Chronic heart or circulatory disease
    Chronic renal failure
    Chronic lung failure
    Chronic liver failure

  4. Agenda 21 rears its ugly head – I’m wondering what better way to “reduce the population to a manageable level” than having the victims voluntarily have themselves injected with…what, exactly?
    I don’t know about the rest of you, but no lying liars are injecting me with anything.

  5. …only ONE thing can make you free…

    “31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

    32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

    33 They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

    34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

    35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

    36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
    John 8:31-36


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