Feds Bust Cincinnati Dem on Corruption Charges – IOTW Report

Feds Bust Cincinnati Dem on Corruption Charges

FBI agents arrested a Democrat serving on Cincinnati’s city council Thursday for accepting bribes in exchange for votes, marking the third arrest on the council this year. Story at Washington Free Beacon

7 Comments on Feds Bust Cincinnati Dem on Corruption Charges

  1. …Cincinnati has a rich history of arrogant and self-aggrandizing politicians, this guy’s just carrying on the tradition althogh he has been one of the most arrogant. He been mayor in his mind for as many years as he’s been there, and he earned the moniker “P G Flippenfeld” for his many finger-in-the-wind sudden reversals, one of which stuck the city with a really stupid and expensive streetcar system that is an ever increasing burden to this day.

    The previous corruption was an alleged Republican, Jeff Pastor, but since he was funneling his corruption through a charity he named “Ummah”, which us an Islamic concept for the mass o Muslim believers, I suspect he’s a Romney type republican at best, because you sure as hell can’t get an actual conservative elected to anything in SW OH.

    He’s also Black, which was the main reason he was elected.

    Before him was Tamiya Denard, who was an AOC type that just straight-up sold her votes.

    Before THAT, 5 of them were having illegal private meetings, got busted, and made the city taxpayers pay both their legal fees AND fines, and NO ONE had to quit.

    This is what Democrat run cities DO. Its who they ARE.

    …I could go further and get into the corrupt Democrat COUNTY government, but this is all local and doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.

    Sure would be nice if they had something on the guy who’s one note is “I’m Gay and I’m going to force you to accept it” guy, though…

  2. Truckbuddy
    NOVEMBER 20, 2020 AT 7:56 AM
    “^^^ let’s hope it’s more like fillet and release.”

    …you don’t want to actually EAT a Demifish, those things are filled with bile and drugs, full of sharp edges, stink of corruption, and taste like the shit they swim in, with an ideology far more deadly than Lysteria that will make you vomit Marxist chunkage all over everyone, as you may have noticed from Tucker Carlsons recent performance.

    Don’t throw them back, either.

    Best to hit them with a hammer and throw them in the trash where they belong so they don’t infect the REST of the school with their evil…

  3. I’m always amazed when I read things like this. Why does this guy think he’s going to be the first one to get away with it? Who does he think he is, Hunter Biden?


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