This is better than caffeine – IOTW Report

28 Comments on This is better than caffeine

  1. Salty.

    But I don’t think he went far enough. The Republicans aren’t just “pussies.” That’s giving them too much credit. The reason they don’t do anything is because they are complicit.

  2. Hmm, I am suddenly getting an idea that BFH or anyone else that is good with photoshop, or similar software, showing certain Republicans wearing those pink pussy hats …

    If it has already been done, give me a link.

  3. Without the language I have already went off on GOP board members and politicians. I guess I should say when it comes to the politicians, I’ve went off on their voice mails or the people who answer their phones.

  4. Oh, I forgot I also went off on the woman who answered at our state election board when she told me our elections in this state are secure and safe after she had told me the torn ballots left in Church and all the idiots at polling places trying to force people to wear masks was because they had a lot of new volunteers and mistakes were made.

  5. I gotta say… that was brilliant. I must have let it play a hundred times because I was feeling low this morning. He represents the anger I have growing in my body. I gotta take a long walk today with the dogs.

  6. Even as a Emeritus Pastor, I agree with this message by saying, “AMEN!” I am extremely annoyed with the RINOS, it’s time for them to be dis-guarded into the dustbin of history. God bless the U.S.A. in these turbulent days; and may His Light shine forth upon this present darkness! Amen!

  7. Republicans In Name Only. These traitors only use the R when needed in their districts to get elected. The reality is they are in lock step w the Dems after attending the same schools, social functions, etc. With a wink and a nod, they share the same goals. The silence (and outright opposition) speaks volumes.

  8. Julia Roberts once said that Republican comes in the dictionary just after reptile and just above repugnant. She was only half right. Republican is located between quisling and spineless, too.

  9. He speaks for many whose disgust and anger is as great but quieter. Conversations I am reading and seeing shows that there are many who are prepared for physical confrontation since the Constitution they swore to protect and defend is under direct attack by enemies of the Republic.

  10. I’ve called Collins and gone off on her three times already.
    She ran against a crooked Soros puppet who used fraud and lies and we stood up for her. (Gideon was worse) and she can’t even bring herself to stand up for Trump knowing that all of us Republicans in Maine voted for him.
    No response even though I asked for one.

    This guy’s video is going everywhere.
    I’ve had it with RINO’s and pundits checking their spines at the coat check on the way in.

  11. The Republican Party was swirling the toilet drain before Trump. Should he be driven out of office I would like to see him start a new party. Let the Mittens, Collins, Halley, Graham etc. have the husk of whatever is left. Expressed perfectly. And people are going to get a lot more pissed off when they see how corrupt many republicans are, the ones that took kick backs to install Dominion and that likely paid to get an edge in elections. This NeverTrump crap has been rooted in protecting their corruption not Trump’s tweets.


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