Obama Claims He Read Marx In College So He Could Pick Up Chicks – IOTW Report

Obama Claims He Read Marx In College So He Could Pick Up Chicks

Political Insider: In his autobiography, Barack Obama has admitted that he read Marx and other leftists in college as a strategy for picking up girls.

Obama’s new memoir was released this week, selling nearly 900,000 copies in a single day.

Obama Lusted After “Long-Legged Socialists” And “Ethereal Bisexuals”

In his new memoir, Obama said that arriving at college in 1979, his political opinions were “half-baked,” through his interest in books.

However, he then admits that his “intellectual curiosity” during his college years “paralleled the interests of various women [he] was attempting to get to know”: more

42 Comments on Obama Claims He Read Marx In College So He Could Pick Up Chicks

  1. I wouldn’t wipe my ass with the pages of his shitty book after taking a huge creamy Michelle Obama while out in the middle of the deep jungles while being featured on “Naked and Afraid.”

  2. The hubs watched a biography about Hitler some time ago. He said Hitler was the first politician to get rich writing an autobiography. He said it was also a sort of money laundering scheme. The party and sycophants bought up copies instead of giving money to Hitler directly.
    This is Barry’s 5th isn’t it?
    On a side note, did you see the obnoxious picture on In Style magazine? Ugh

  3. “…pseudo-intellectualism proved mostly worthless,” finding himself “in a series of affectionate but chaste friendships…”

    Of course they were just friendships. Women aren’t threatened by homo’s, and are more inclined to develop a friendship with them. Similarly, homo’s tend to feel a threatened by straight males – more so back then than today – and are more comfortable with female friends than straight male friends.

    So, he was never “picking up any chicks” in the sense that you or would have been. He was picking up Chucks.

  4. There is no way that POS sold 900,000 book’s in one day.
    When he was campaigning for Beijing Biden nobody showed up, do you think they’ll show up to buy his book in droves? 🤔 Don’t think so.

    The narcissist is out selling a load of, well you know, a shovel ready snow job. 🤨

  5. What guy in his right mind reads Marx in order to pick up chicks? Run away from lib chicks as fast as you can, they’re nothing but trouble. Find a good woman, blow up your TV, throw away the papers, move to the country and build you a home, have a lot of children, feed them all on peaches and try to find Jesus on their own. Great advice and a great song from the late John Prine.

  6. “I wouldn’t wipe my ass with the pages of his shitty book…”

    I think it would be a difficult thing to do with most of the “copies” that were “sold”, even if you were inclined to do so. I’d bet a hundred IOTW bucks that the overwhelming majority of those “copies” were digital downloads, which costs the publisher nothing to produce and, like votes for Biden, can be generated in large, untraceable and unverifiable amounts at will.

    After seeing how easily it can be done with a national election, I have no problem seeing how Amazon and Barnes & Noble could do it with a book. I call BS.

  7. Miss Kitty, the Biden campaign raised a ton of money, and Barky’s one hour with a bullhorn in Philly didn’t come cheap. Plus, you know how the Obidenbamas like to do things by the pallet with untraceable cash.

  8. This pathetic sleazy conman is trying yet again to sell the idea that he was attracted to and pursued women while in college.
    Sorry Barry, that’s just not gonna fly, the entire world knows you’re a cocksucker.
    When you left the White House the bed linen was removed and set ablaze, it burned for days because of the vasoline it was smeared with.

  9. Like a sexually confused nerdy teen, Barry’s rambles on and on in his never ending diary musing, (he calls autobiographies) about figments of his twisted imagination.
    He can’t deal with the reality that he’s an insecure, weird, deviant, narcissistic megalomaniac.

  10. It must be common for deviant homosexuals to create fanciful stories about their past in an effort to conceal the sickening reality.
    Barry has heavily hinted but never quite admitted his homosexuality. His frail ego couldn’t hold up to the rejection that many would feel toward him. Truly a tormented freak.

  11. Did he include a chapter where he paints his nails and gives himself wedgies with ladies underwear.

    He just can’t seem to quit exposing himself as a worthless POS.

  12. …were I actually masochistic enough to try to read whatever someone else wrote about the Indonesian, I would just assume it was all a lie like everything ELSE about him and move on…

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44

  13. Hillary clinton sold 14 million copies of her idiotic book no one seemed to have read. They’re probably still in a Soros warehouse somewhere.

    Same with this new obama drivel he didnt write.


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