Idiot King Obama Has Thoughts and Stuff – IOTW Report

Idiot King Obama Has Thoughts and Stuff


This guy, amirite?

While hundreds of thousands of words are being written every day right now about President Trump being unwilling to just step aside and let Joe Biden have his moment in the sun, none of the MSM hacks writing those words are mentioning the fact that Joe’s old boss Barack Obama is everywhere these days.

The Lightbringer released a new book just a couple of weeks after the election and there is no way that was coincidental. Obama is a malignant narcissist who probably shrinks into nothingness when he is in a room that doesn’t have a mirror or someone else in it to look at him.

The timing of the book release can mean only one of two things: either he thought Trump was going to win and wanted to steal his thunder or he thought Biden was going to win wanted to, well, steal his thunder.

That’s right Joe, your pal Barack doesn’t really like you.

Heck, Obama didn’t even get around to endorsing the Masked Groper until Bernie dropped out and he was the last candidate standing. Yeah, Barry hit the road with Joe near the end of the campaign but I’ll guarantee that had more to do with his desire to get out of the house and have his butt kissed than it did with helping Biden. read more

20 Comments on Idiot King Obama Has Thoughts and Stuff

  1. The seditious gay Kenyan commie has a lot to worry about if President Trump hires competent people to investigate the gay commie’s role in Trump’s first campaign. Treasonous faggot wants Biden to give him a pardon.

  2. Obuttphuk is one seriously messed up individual. Do a little research into his life, and it aint normal – by any stretch of the imagination. From his liberal white mother getting knocked up by a black African in the 60’s, to being raised without a real father figure and eventually by his Communist sympathizing maternal grand parents, he was destined to have a warped view of himself and the country that made him comfortably wealthy.

  3. It’s times like this that I want to look him straight in the eye and tell him whut a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dickless, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, big-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vactioning, golfing, childish, naïve, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, imperious, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, pot-headed, teleprompter reading “Corpse-Man”, My man “Alex de Toke-Ville”, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, “Flexible”, No-records, Reset Button Bonehead, Bush-blaming, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Cash-for-Clunkers, Phones for Lo-Foz, recess-appointing, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, bald-faced liar, fraud and flim-flam man, “I will restore trust in Government”, “Al-Qaeda-decimated”, “You didn´t build that”, “Most transparent administration ever”, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”, “Premiums will be lowered by $2500”, “I´ve got a pen and a phone”, “Russia is just a regional power”, Constitution-stomping, autocratic, I can do whatever I want”, Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, healthcare-destroying, Al-Qaeda appeasing, malicious, petty, lawless phoney-baloney, bitch-slapped, pussy-whipped, flat-footed, maladroit, plastic banana republic Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard and Communist Agitator whose only real accomplishment has been to perpetrate the most scandalous betrayal of the America people in history!
    Holy shit! Where´s the Tylenol!

  4. My contempt for this miserable piece of garbage knows no bounds. Obama. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, fraudulent voting systems.

    You built that.

    You should be torn asunder by wild dogs.

  5. Dear Lord.

    Please send brain cancer to Obama today just like you sent brain cancer to John McStain and Teddy Kennedy.

    F.D.R. can oversee the worms eating the brains of this threefer and provide regular updates.

  6. I will never forget having to learn this tidbit – “After dark, President Obama spends hours alone, time he says is essential to think, write and have a snack – exactly 7 almonds.”
    So I’ll pass on a 900 page recap of how Obama spends every second of his corrupt life.

  7. Stirrin’ – that and the fact he’s such an attention whore who feels the need to be relevant. Can’t stand people that think they are so needed in other people’s lives.

    TRF – giving SNS a run for his money, I see. Kidding SNS!! I enjoy reading your comments. Actually, the both of you.

  8. Where’s the Tylenol? TRF, my blood pressure went up just reading that comment – until I got to the “plastic banana republic Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard” part and then it went back down with a snicker.

    Almonds actually have poison in them. Eat too many and you’ll know it. Maybe that explains something about The Obombastic One.

  9. I wonder what the average sentencing time is that they use to punish screwup Secret Service agents by assigning them to “bodyguard” him? I know a Hillary assignment is considered to be a punishment tour.

  10. To say obama is a waste of life is to ignore all the evil he’s participated in against our nation. Same goes for biden, pelosi, clinton, kerry and every single corrupt bastard in the so-called ‘news’ media that enabled them.

    And let’s not forget two titanic rats who could have stopped it all, but are part of the scam: Sessions and Barr. They’re even worse.


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