Monster of Their Own Making – a review – IOTW Report

Monster of Their Own Making – a review

Patriot Retort:

Jack Buckby’s book Monster of Their Own Making: How the Far Left, the Media and Politicians are Creating Far-Right Extremists came out last April, but I didn’t read it until now.

When I finished it yesterday, I kicked myself for not getting it seven months ago.

Better late than never I imagine.

Fact is, most books and articles written about the Far Right are written by people from organizations solidly on the Far Left. Which, as Buckby puts it in Monster of Their Own Making, “is like asking a vegetarian for their objective views on the best cut of steak. It is utterly farcical.”

When the definition of “Far Right” is determined by groups that view anyone to the right of Mitt Romney as “Far Right,” there can never be a reasonable, honest discussion about it.

Until now.

8 Comments on Monster of Their Own Making – a review

  1. They’re demonizing us, so if you’re on the left and think you are in control of the government, why not help create rightists who will use violence to protect themselves from your tyranny – and in the process prove to your masses of useful idiot supporters that live in your information bubble that the demons need to be destroyed?

    They’re coming for us, man. Better get ready.

  2. “Far-right Extremists” = concerned patriots.

    Heck, these commie bastards are leaving conservative patriots no options at all, not even extremism. They are monitoring ALL electronic communication and internet posts.

  3. Effects of far right activusm can’t compare to leftist activism of mass destruction.
    Besides, far right activism is usually always a reaction to leftist destructive encroachment – to some degree the Crusades is an example.


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