Whitlock: New Hiring Rule Installed By NFL Race Hustler Troy Vincent Damages Black Coaches – IOTW Report

Whitlock: New Hiring Rule Installed By NFL Race Hustler Troy Vincent Damages Black Coaches

OutKick|Jason Whitlock:

Troy Vincent, the NFL’s executive vice president of Race Hustle Operations, just made it harder for Eric Bieniemy and other black assistant coaches to land head coaching jobs.

You read that right. Last week, the league’s executive vice president of Race Hustle Operations passed a new rule that will hurt black coaches. It’s what race hustlers do. They garner power and influence by making a big show of being pro-black, and then they use that power and influence to celebrate themselves and stir racial grievance. 

Last week, Vincent convinced NFL ownership to pass the “Vincent Rule,” a measure allegedly aimed at enhancing the league’s long-established “Rooney Rule” for minority hiring. The “Vincent Rule” mandates that the NFL award two compensatory third-round draft picks to teams that have minority head coaches or general managers hired away from them.

This is an incredibly stupid rule. In fact, it’s so stupid that black coaches across the NFL reached out to ESPN’s Adam Schefter to complain about it. According to Schefter, the NFL’s top information man, black coaches “were not pleased that they were not consulted about the plan and that it was passed swiftly, without any advance notice. These sources also did not approve of other people speaking for them when they were unable to provide input as to how the program would work.”    more

13 Comments on Whitlock: New Hiring Rule Installed By NFL Race Hustler Troy Vincent Damages Black Coaches

  1. You know, I believe now that there is such a thing as white privilege. White privilege is that you aren’t used as a pawn by jerks trying to use grievance as an income source. Nobody’s gonna try that with me because my skin is the wrong color.

  2. Cleveburg here… we suffered thru many coaches, but two that stand out are Romeo Crenell and Hue Jackson. Everytime the camera showed Romeo on the sideline he had a piece of paper in front of his face. Some thought it was the playbook, but the dirty little secret was that it was actually a menu! I feel for ya Texans!

    Then there’s 0-16 Hue Jackson! Wiki this worthless slug and you see that after he left Cleveland he joined the Cincinnati Bungals coaching staff in an “unspecified role”. Then he was supposed to lead the drills during the NFL sanctioned workout for free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick! You know, the radical, kneeler who never showed up!! Get the message?

  3. Well, how are guys like Eric Bieniemy supposed to know what to do unless white dudes like Troy Vincent tell them? We progressives have a great racket going; don’t screw it up with common sense.

  4. Eric Bieniemy was an average to better college running back. He was an average to poor NFL running back…..How’s his coaching?….Well, I can tell you that he’s damn glad that he coaches under Andy Reid and his offense….”Just win baby”…..Al Davis

  5. Imagine that.
    More political turmoil caused by the NFL.
    I’m not convinced that’s a good business strategy, all this controversy, but I must be wrong because they keep doing it.

  6. If you want to create hate & division within society, then create different classes of citizens.

    Mike Tomlin & the Steelers are 9 wins & no losses.
    Black coach doing just fine on his own with a white quarterback.

    Andy Reid (white coach) & KC are 8 wins & 1 loss with a black Quarterback.

    Adam Gase & the NEW YORK JETS are 0 (ZERO) wins & 9 losses.
    WHITE COACH & SAM DARNOLD White Quarterback.

    RACE has NOTHING to do with it!

  7. ^^^^^ Sorry IOTW ^^^^^^^

    I hate the politics & administration at the NFL but I’d rather watch football than Dancing with the stars, singing jackasses in masks & furry costumes & the Kardashians.

    Most of the players treat each other as equals and winners sort things out for themselves.

  8. The lack of self-awareness of the inherent racism in liberal politics is astounding.

    He just insulted them to the max.

    In essence: “You are not capable on your own since you were born with a certain skin color.” Sincerely, totally not racist at all Troy Vincent

  9. Kcir,
    Have you tried just turning OFF the TV? There’s a reason it’s called the “boob tube”.
    Read a book.
    Take a walk around the block. Or at least step outside your house/apartment/teepee.
    Start a hobby.
    There are at least 100 things better to do then watch TV sports.

  10. @Toxic

    I weight lift, mountain bike, Cook a few times a week, Practice archery, Work 60hrs/week (mostly outside on a roof fixing HVAC), & do my own invoicing & mailing for about 20 jobs a week.

    Glen Ceck’s: “It is about islam” is not a relaxing read
    nor is
    “America Alone” By Mark Steyn

    Try ” the rage and the pride” by Oriana Fallaci and let me know how ya sleep after that one….

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