It’s up to you, not them – IOTW Report

It’s up to you, not them

Greg Kelly reminds viewers that one guy doesn’t decide this race, the media often gets it wrong, and they’ll continue to ignore Trump’s big wins. – via Greg Kelly Reports, weekdays at 7PM ET on Newsmax TV

9 Comments on It’s up to you, not them

  1. Things are starting to break for Trump. They are starting to file federal lawsuits including in GA with evidence we don’t know about yet. They are getting key wins in audits etc. The next month could be very interesting.

  2. Switched to Newsmax even before the election and I really like Greg Kelly, but does anybody here have a problem with Mark Halperin? 🤔 This guy was employed by the alphabet network’s, personally I don’t like some of the cracks he makes about President Trump.

  3. Yes, I have a problem with Mark Halperin. I’m not sure why Newsmax keeps him on the payroll but sooner or later they’re going to realize that he’s a liability on a conservative channel. He’s what keeps me from watching Newsmax all day. I have to switch to OANN and Real America’s Voice to get away from Halperin when he comes on.

  4. I’m not ready to trust Newsmax, their online site has often been anti-Trump. Hopefully though they can see what being pro-Trump has done for them and won’t turn into faux news 2.

  5. The media backwater is sort of like the political pool which Trump has to hire from: It’s an inch wide and a mile deep. Not much room to navigate anywhere in the swamp.


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