President Trump May Sign Executive Order to End Birthright Citizenship Before First Term Ends – IOTW Report

President Trump May Sign Executive Order to End Birthright Citizenship Before First Term Ends

BigLeaguePolitics: President Trump and White House personnel are evaluating the possibility of signing an executive order to terminate birthright citizenship in the United States before his first term ends, the Hill reported on Friday. The White House has evaluated legal options to do away with the longstanding policy which hands out American citizenship to any individual born in the United States.

Jus soli, or birthright citizenship, is an increasingly antiquated citizenship policy long since abolished by many major countries throughout the world, including India, Great Britain, Australia and France. The United States is one of only a handful of major nations that provide free citizenship to anyone who happens to be born in the country, including the children of illegal immigrants and so-called “birth tourists” who wish to obtain free American citizenship for their children with no real connection to the United States.

Trump himself has criticized the policy for years, which stems from a dubious legal understanding of the 14th Amendment, which was enacted to provide citizenship for freed slaves after the Civil War. Sources familiar with the matter expect a Trump administration action to end birthright citizenship to be challenged by progressive activists determined to deputize hundreds of millions of immigrants as new Democrat voters, but a ruling from the Supreme Court could conceivably end birthright citizenship for good. more

14 Comments on President Trump May Sign Executive Order to End Birthright Citizenship Before First Term Ends

  1. If he was going to do this he should have already done it, in a matter of weeks Biden will be able to negate it with his own executive order.

    It’s actually a matter for Congress to address anyway, they’re the ones with the Constitutional authority to establish citizenship laws.

  2. Back in 2012 I was staying at a hotel in Arcadia, CA on a contract job. There was a whole wing of the hotel devoted to pregnant Chinese women including a separate restaurant.

  3. NOW….baby is born in hospital…hospital notifies county clerk who records birth and issues a U.S. citizen birth certificate.

    THE WAY IT SHOUILD BE… is born i n hospital….hospital gives mother confirmation of live birth. MOTHEWR/FATHER take confirmation paper to county clerk ALONG WITH PROOF OF PARENTS CITIZENSHIP…..clerk records birth and issues birth certificate WITH MOTHER/FATHERS countrys citizenship
    parents not citizens??? neither is baby.
    little cost to tax payer, and if you have enough money to get to this country, the hospital, ect, you have enough money to get to the county courthouse.

  4. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the st,,,,,

    and subject to the jurisdiction thereof….

    Baby born in your living room is now your responsibility?
    Only intentionally failing to understand the 14th allows birthright citizenship.

  5. As Left Coast Dan said, SCOTUS would eventually have to rule on it. My thought when I read it was it would force the issue to SCOTUS and we’d get a ruling on it one way or another, once and for all. Citizens of another country who who fly in just for the birth and people who cross illegally who time it just for the birth, both just to get US Citizenship, should be prosecuted for fraud.

  6. How about a freeze on immigration? An agreement between an equal majority of both parties must be reached before any continuation of immigration. The rats in both parties will have to show their cards.

  7. Birthright citizenship is an incorrect reading. The statute says you must be born in the US AND he subject to the jurisdiction thereof .I am not qualified to give legal advice, just telling you what the statute says,

  8. ” … be born in the US AND he subject to the jurisdiction thereof”

    That is what excludes the children born to foreign diplomats and diplomatic embassy workers from being citizens, they are subject to their home countries jurisdictions and not ours (with a few rare exceptions concerning various criminal activities for some of them).


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