John Oliver: It is ‘Completely Insane’ to Use Vulnerable Computer Systems to Count Votes; Trump is ‘All the Way Completely Right’ – IOTW Report

John Oliver: It is ‘Completely Insane’ to Use Vulnerable Computer Systems to Count Votes; Trump is ‘All the Way Completely Right’

BigLeaguePolitics: Before this year’s presidential election, liberal politicians and commentators used to admit how the voting process was incredibly rife for fraud – particularly pertaining to electronic voting machines.

HBO host John Oliver tore into paperless direct-record electronic (DRE) voting machines during a segment on his show. He spoke specifically about the problems that the devices would cause during the 2020 election.

“Unless you happen to personally know everyone who votes for you on a paperless DRE machine, there is no way to verify the results. It’s a pretty good case against them, which makes it frankly completely insane that New Jersey not only still uses them but plans to keep using them for the 2020 election,” Oliver said on the segment before he sold his soul.

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“And it’s not just New Jersey. In 2016, 20 percent of voters voted on paperless DREs, and an estimated 12 percent will use them in 2020. Meaning, 16 million Americans spread out across all these states are set to be voting on machines that pretty much everyone agrees are deeply, deeply flawed and if they malfunction, there could be no way of knowing, which is absolutely terrifying,” he added.

Oliver even played a clip of President Donald Trump criticizing the digital vote-counting machines and agreed with his statement.

“It’s always good, it’s old fashioned, but it’s always good to have a paper backup system of voting. It’s called paper, not highly complex computers, paper, and a lot of states are doing that,” Trump said.

“Yeah! He’s right. That’s it. He’s just all the way completely right,” Oliver said incredulously to end the clip. more

6 Comments on John Oliver: It is ‘Completely Insane’ to Use Vulnerable Computer Systems to Count Votes; Trump is ‘All the Way Completely Right’

  1. The old Shoup machines that we used in NY may not have been perfect, but they were not as subject to shenanigans as these computer marvels are….besides, who is allowed to “split” their vote into parts which is what these Dominion machines do when reporting the vote.
    With the Shoups, of there was something amiss with a machine, you knew it almost immediately when someone was not allowed to cast a vote for a particular candidate.

  2. Pseudo code snippet to increase Biden by 25%

    Do while not End of file;
    Read Ballot;
    If Vote=Trump;
    If Count=4;
    BidenTally +=1;

  3. The FEDs need to set standards for States voting equipment when federal offices are voted on. They set standards for cars to protect citizens why the F not for protecting our votes???? Oh, let me guess, the crooks will scream foul and stomp their feet.

  4. Dominion came to Colorado in 2015, just after total mail in ballots and what did Colorado get? Attempts to kill all tax friendly initiatives and a faggot, butt fucker in the Governors mansion…..Now, Dominion’s office is closed upon further reflextion….

  5. @Michael Younger. I just made a snippet for the sake of brevity.

    But you knew that.

    My point is that the software to throw an election isn’t complicated. They just set their parameters too low initially, hence the resulting skullduggery.


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