Waffle House’s Stand Against Lockdowns Is Exactly What America Needs—Almost – IOTW Report

Waffle House’s Stand Against Lockdowns Is Exactly What America Needs—Almost

FEE: Waffle House CEO Walt Ehmer’s stance against lockdowns is courageous, but ultimately bolder action may be required to save businesses from the pernicious effects of lockdowns.

14 Comments on Waffle House’s Stand Against Lockdowns Is Exactly What America Needs—Almost

  1. The craziest thing is that people are WILLING to be dictated to. Let’s face it, if the elections were held today the governors of California and New York would both win in landslides. I always have to laugh when I hear the phrase, “Never again.” Really? We are witnessing a population that will voluntarily load itself onto boxcars to be taken to the camps. And they are all too eager to turn their own neighbors in to the Mask Gestapo. Try going on Nextdoor in any blue state. The brown shirts are everywhere.

  2. The American people vs the politicians is coming within the next 30 days. You drooling idiots have interrupted birthdays, normal get togethers like INDEPENDENCE DAY, labor day, memorial day, weddings, visiting loved ones in the hospital.

    Now you dictate Thanksgiving?

    You cock suckers are finished.

    Your brief romance with totalitarianism Is over.
    We have every right to string you up.

  3. The enforcers come and the people bow down and obey them.

    It’s always been that way and it will stay that way in the future. It’s just the way people are no matter how they like to brag, boast, and talk before it happens to them.

  4. All the damned elites are is the same class of establishment ruling class types as the Loyalists were to King George the 3rd during the American Revolution. Nothing has changed but the titles and their abject hatred of all the common people who won’t bow down to their rule and authority.


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