They think you’re stupid. – IOTW Report

They think you’re stupid.

The technocrats are here to help.

7 Comments on They think you’re stupid.

  1. Here is the reset in Canuckistan so far…

    Public workers have not had any wage reduction and most are working from home saving commute, parking, Outside food money. In many cases they are getting some allowances for supplies which is reasonable.

    Private sector faces increased costs of doing business with a customer base that has less money to pay forcing prices for many services downward.

    Food costs are way up (we don’t grow much when the temperature is nut freezing cold) except for Weed which still is not profitable.

    The great reset is making everyone poorer except for politicians, megacorporations like Amazon etc., and the public sector with ever increasing benefits, indexed pensions and incremental cost of living raises.

    Most of my friends are teachers & they retire at 55 with abou $80,000 per year & health coverage.

    The reset is to finish everyone else off.

    Fuck you Turdeau you Cuck Commie Son of a Whore Racist!

  2. They don’t think we’re stupid. But they know we are powerless.

    “Watch this, Georgia. We’re doing the mail-ins for the runoff, and you’ll be going through the the fractional motions with the Dominion machines again. And you can’t do a fucking thing about it. Enjoy your news Senators Ossoff and Warnock. We actually like it that you’re smart enough to know how screwed you are.”

  3. We ARE stupid! We’ve been voting in Jebs!, Boehners, Romneys and the McCains for decades!

    And – there STILL a lot of us who don’t get the seriousness of the threat to our freedom we are facing if that traitor Biden and that slut-traitor Harris get into office.

  4. “They think you’re stupid.”
    They know we’re armed…to the teeth!
    That’s why they have been trying to get our guns for decades. It was a slow, but steady plan.
    But, because of President Trump, they panicked and rushed every kind of fraud imaginable to keep him from being re-elected, because they knew the hammer was going to drop in his second term….and heads would roll.
    Keep calm. We all knew this would end up at the Supreme Court.

  5. @exJarhead

    I try to be straight and direct and always tell the truth to the best of my ability. I work outside every day on HVAC. The weather hardens you and mistakes literally blow up in your face.

    I do not mean to offend but soft entitled “men” piss me off.

    I wish I would have had the opportunity to join the military or become a cop but I had to join the family business. I have extreme respect for the US Marines & the Navy and what America has done to keep the world from totalitarianism.


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