Trump scores two wins as Michigan legislature, federal appeals court agree to election reviews – IOTW Report

Trump scores two wins as Michigan legislature, federal appeals court agree to election reviews

Just The News:

President Trump’s campaign said it scored two victories Monday in its effort to contest results in several key battleground states, as Michigan state legislators agreed to hold a hearing into election irregularities while a federal appeals court expedited proceedings to consider Trump’s legal challenge in Pennsylvania.

The developments were announced by Trump campaign senior legal counsel Jenna Ellis, who said the GOP-led Michigan House would hold its hearing at 9 a.m. on Wednesday.

“We are grateful to Michigan House lawmakers for not rushing to certify inaccurate election results,” Ellis told Just the News. “We are confident they will share the same concerns once they see the extent of the outright fraud and disregard for the law that happened in Michigan and across the nation. Every American should want to know the truth.”

Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield, who over the weekend said he feared the state was heading toward a constitutional crisis, did not immediately return a call seeking comment. more here

16 Comments on Trump scores two wins as Michigan legislature, federal appeals court agree to election reviews

  1. Brad, the Left’s Elite of The CCP, U.S. and Europe want the reset. The rank-and-file Left just follow like sheep.

    When this thing blows, it’s going to make COVID lockdowns look like a party.

  2. Jimmy
    The combination of the COVID, and this joke of ab election has conservatives angrier then I’ve ever seen them. Angry enough to do something about it? I guess we’ll see. I posted here earlier that Newsom moved into a 5 million plus dollar home in my community. I can tell you, he’s not getting a lot of sleep. And our Sheriff hates him so he’s not helping shut the protest down.

  3. @Tosk

    With the Trump as Caesar meme it is good to remember that Caesar’s opponent in the Roman Civil War, Pompey, had many more legions at his command. But Caesar won with better trained and experienced legions, with better tactical planning, and with luck on his side.

    Pompey ended up in Egypt where King Ptolemy’s guards cut off his head as a present to Caesar, who refused to look at it. He and Pompey had been friends and political allies before the Civil War.

    I hope history repeats itself. As to the detail about heads being cut off, we might be a little more lenient than that.

  4. “Angry enough to do something about it?”

    There’s really nothing that can be done about it barring some kind of legal miracle, and a legal miracle is highly unlikely.

  5. Wow, Brad. That is encouraging. Especially coming from Cali and busting that curfew. Thanks for posting that link.

    If we could secure fair elections, I’m sure a lot of the left’s agenda would never happen.

  6. Dadof4

    Our Sheriff announced he’s nit enforcing the curfew. Or masks or any other Un Constitutional order.
    A lot of us here in the state think Trump won here. California’s been rigging elections for a long time.

  7. I don’t believe there is a single LEO in my county who would try to enforce any of the crazy dictates that some states are trying to impose. The Feds would have to send in the Waco Killers. That would be a huge mistake.


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