Biden received thousands of non-citizen, illegal votes from non-citizens: Study – IOTW Report

Biden received thousands of non-citizen, illegal votes from non-citizens: Study

Just The News: A new study finds that Democrat Joe Biden received thousands of illegal votes from non-citizens in battleground states. 

The findings were made by the nonprofit research group Just Facts, which also said the number of votes would not resulting in President Trump having received enough votes to win reelection. 

Just Facts looked at election results from seven key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, said group President James D. Agresti.

The study included comparing U.S. Census figures on non-citizens (a figure that totals just under 22 million) with the demographics and election results of each of the seven battleground states. Previous election polling data of non-citizens was then factored into the study’s calculations. 

“This is just one kind of fraud,” Agresti told the Washington Times. “It’s a sizable number, which is the point. It also decimates the predominant narrative that there is no evidence of large-scale fraud in U.S. elections.”  more here

7 Comments on Biden received thousands of non-citizen, illegal votes from non-citizens: Study

  1. Keep calm. We all knew this would end up at the United States Supreme Court.
    It’s kinda fortunate that RBG croaked just in time! Now you know why they screamed so much about Amy Coney Barrett.

  2. You know I am just kidding.
    I will fight these double talking, two timing, rat fucking, vote stealing, vote manufacturing, vote changing, grandma hustling, vote harvesting, ballot stealing….

    Oh. Who am I kidding? I hoped to give @TRF the night off.

    Sir, I knew @TRF. You are no @TRF.

  3. We have been conditioned, as Republicans, to never question the integrity of an election.

    I think, now, that the greatest disservice done to this nation by Nixon was not Watergate or the chaotic withdrawal from Vietnam, but his refusal to contest the obviously fraudulent election results that put JFK into office.

    The Democrats did this because they have continually gotten away with ever more obvious and significant fraud every election cycle. They know that what they cannot win at the ballot box, they can win in the count, and if that is insufficient, win in the courts, often weeks later.

    What made them go bat sh!t crazy after Dubbya’s two wins and then Trump’s win is that their system couldn’t give them the win, so those elections were obviously illegitimate, as we have been told ad nauseum.

    I was encouraged that Trump appeared to be gearing up for a long dirty fight. I fear the Establishment Republicans have successfully taken the wind from his sails.

    If there is no Trump 2020, he won’t be around for 2024. He will either be living in exile, in jail or dead.

    This election was for all the marbles. Lose in 2020 and we lose everything. They will make sure there is never another Trump or another Republican President or majority in House or Senate. It will be back to the emasculated, but loyal, opposition. Back to the Republicans’ comfort zone.

    Thanks Bro. Mitt (R-Brussels) and Bro. Lee (R-Bangalore) for sitting on your hands as the tool for the destruction of the Constitution, this great nation and its people was beeing crafted by the Dems.

    Do not flatter yourselves or find comfort in the notion that you were saving the Constitution. You saw it hanging by a thread and took out your scissors.


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