California Unemployment Agency Exposed 38M Social Security Numbers – IOTW Report

California Unemployment Agency Exposed 38M Social Security Numbers

California Globe: The Governor needs to get a hold of this rogue department, clean house at every level and start demanding that they stop breaking the law’

By Katy Grimes

In a formal letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom, President pro Tempore of the Senate Sen. Toni Atkins, and Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon, California State Auditor Elaine Howle told them regarding the Auditor’s report sounding the alarm on EDD’s refusal to stop sending out full social security numbers through the mail.

the Employment Development Department has sent at least 38 million pieces of mail containing claimants’ full Social Security numbers since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. more here

12 Comments on California Unemployment Agency Exposed 38M Social Security Numbers

  1. “Evidently you don’t know The Social Security Administration is a FEDERAL agency?”

    So specifically which Federal LAW would be involved?

    It wasn’t a hacked data breach of any kind, it was just the California government printing the full SS# on various forms and there is no Federal law that I know of that would make that a Federal violation.

    Can you give me a specific LAW, as in a statutory reference that would make this a Federal violation?

  2. Anonydufus:
    What Is the Social Security Number Protection Act?
    Signed by oblowme in 2010.
    In a nutshell, the law applies to Federal, state, and local agencies. It prohibits these agencies from displaying a Social Security number or part of a Social Security number on any correspondence or check that is issued for payment by that agency. The law also prohibits Federal State or local agencies from entering into a contract to use prisoners in any capacity that would allow them to have access to Social Security numbers of other individuals.

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