Buttigieg Campaign Office to Become Pole Dancing Studio – IOTW Report

Buttigieg Campaign Office to Become Pole Dancing Studio

I can’t wait to read your comments.

WFB: A fitting homage to former mayor’s legacy of aggressive gentrification.

Pete Buttigieg’s former campaign headquarters in South Bend, Ind., has found a new tenant.

Soma Pole Studio is currently renovating the building, which will eventually include nine poles, and plans to start offering high-pricedĀ pole dancing classes in January 2021. more

31 Comments on Buttigieg Campaign Office to Become Pole Dancing Studio

  1. Buttigiggly is a testament to how far America has fallen. Yes fallen and that’s not an opinion.

    Children were sheltered from unhealthy things, whether ideas, habits, lifestyles.

    We went from not seeing ads on tv for hemorrhoid salves, to enduring a DNC slate of candidates that were a parade of depravity, from perverts to liars to thieves, in America, the Land of the Freeā„¢, the most powerful nation on Earth. If God doesn’t take serious corrective action, he indeed does owe Sodom & Gomorrah an apology; they couldn’t have done worse than we have.

  2. …sorry, are these lessons on wearing stroje ludowe and dancing with someone named Kowalski? Sounds OK to m…

    ….ohhh, you mean POLE pole dancing.

    Eww, gross.

    …but makes sense since Democrats profane the ground they walk on by their very presence on it…

  3. Some perverted entrepreneur ought to market Buttigieg Butt-Plugs to the large deviant demographic. He could charge extra for the Signature Model and even higher for a special run of plugs test-shoved by the great Pete himself.

  4. “High-priced” pole dancing lesssons, that’s what you want.

    Not that trashy trailerpark stuff that appeals to First Son elect Hunter, or the ex-Preezy Bubba he from No Hope, Arkansas.

  5. Hmmmm, still no comment from Petey’s whatever bleached starfish. This pole, I mean post, is right up his anus, er, I mean alley. Come on man, or whatever you are, speak up.

  6. Not only did my Petey Bā€™s pole pierce my heart the first time it was exposed to my unbleached elastic starfish, BUTT my Petey Bā€™s pole also pierced my unbleached elastic starfish right after it was first exposed to my unbleached elastic starfish!!

  7. WOW. All you hater potaters were really anticipating my response about my Petey Bā€™s pole the same way my Petey Bā€™s pole is really anticipating my unbleached elastic starfish!


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