Hysterical Staff At Penguin Random House Canada Melt Down Over Publishing Jordan Peterson’s New Book – IOTW Report

Hysterical Staff At Penguin Random House Canada Melt Down Over Publishing Jordan Peterson’s New Book

[…] One employee told Vice News that “people were crying in the meeting about how Jordan Peterson has affected their lives.” One contended Peterson radicalized their father, and another insisted that if the book is published it will negatively affect their non-binary friend. MORE

14 Comments on Hysterical Staff At Penguin Random House Canada Melt Down Over Publishing Jordan Peterson’s New Book

  1. This strikes most sane people as funny but think about how deeply these individuals are marinated in this insane thinking and then think about just how widely this plague has spread.
    They’re everywhere in business today, they’re immune to logic and they refuse to even consider a different point of view.
    This is very frightening and there doesn’t appear to be an effective way to combat it. This is going to require mass de-programming, We’re all going to continue to be effected by it.

  2. Seems the staff at Penguin Random House think they are part of the media enlisted in pushing liberal ideology and thought control.
    Publishers make revenue by printing and selling books often of differing opinions. The bottom line is profit. I guess the woke version of the publishing business lets the staff control what readers get to read and where profit goes. Must be watching Twitter, Google etc.

  3. “I feel it was deliberately hidden and dropped on us once it was too late to change course,” said the junior employee.

    So Random House is now letting Junior Employees run the company?

  4. When this leftism (I include Nazism) began to take over (and it has now taken over) the center-right began to capitulate to every little whimper these tyrants uttered. Each new day the tyrants became more emboldened. Each new day their foul ideology stained more perminantly, their dirt embedded deeper into the fabric of our society. The center-right now even joins with their comrades calling for a new fabric. I believe the American fabric is worth conserving. The only way to save the fabric is to cut out the stain, scrub away the dirt and mend the destruction. We haven’t yet begun the hard work of washing, scrubbing and cutting.

  5. Dear Staff, with the experience you have gained while employed here at Penguin you should have no trouble at all finding a position at any other major publisher. Good luck with your new career path. The management.

  6. The criers must have been young females or homo soy boys.

    50 Years ago a strong man would have taken one of them as an example and slapped the crap out of her/him, shook her/him by the shoulders and yelled at them to grow up. That would have stopped the nonsense.

    The feminization of the world is making things much worse. Feminine Joe Biden, if his fraudulent election passes, will (or has already) offer his ass up to China and Iran.

    Where have you gone, PM Churchill and President Reagan?


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