Bigot Obama Accuses Hispanic Trump Voters Of Bigotry – IOTW Report

Bigot Obama Accuses Hispanic Trump Voters Of Bigotry

Federalist: Former President Barack Obama accused Hispanic voters of being bigots, claiming that they ignored the current administration’s “racist” immigration policies to vote for Donald Trump because “he supports their views on gay marriage.”

“People were surprised about a lot of Hispanic folks who voted for Trump,” Obama said on The Breakfast Club podcast Wednesday. “But there’s a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, you know, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans, or puts detainees undocumented workers in cages, they think that’s less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion.” read more

16 Comments on Bigot Obama Accuses Hispanic Trump Voters Of Bigotry

  1. I’m out of comments to make about the left’s (i.e., Barack HUSSEIN Obama) blatant hatred for anyone who opposes their ideology, AND the media’s propaganda supporting said hatred and ideology.

  2. IOW If you didn’t vote for Joe, you ain’t brown.

    Don’t underestimate Barky’s ability to f—k things up. How’s that Presidential Library/Recording Studio/Basketball Court coming along, President. Newport?

  3. Why does anyone read or listen to anything coming from that two-faced, fork-tongued commie bastard?

    There’s not enough excrement in his picture, since he is made of excrement with corn chunks throughout; the food of pigs.

  4. Of course the media wouldn’t ask Ohbummer……
    You mean the cages YOU BUILT?
    OR, didn’t Trump claim YOU built the cages?

    Trump didn’t build THAT!


  5. I like his stage photo in Federalist. Alpha man of today. One side of his head is thinking, deep thinking. Other side is talking on the phone (want to bet is Regie ?). And eyes, eyes are looking at plate full of dog meat. 😉

  6. Since when is it racist to expect people to support themselves & follow the law?
    Maybe the lack of those basic expectations in people from countries like Mexico, squatamala & others are what makes them shitholes?

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