Jenna Ellis: Pennsylvania Can ‘Take That Power Back’ From Corrupt Officials, Assign Electoral Votes To Trump – IOTW Report

Jenna Ellis: Pennsylvania Can ‘Take That Power Back’ From Corrupt Officials, Assign Electoral Votes To Trump

National File:

During the Pennsylvania Senate’s hearing on election integrity, Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis argued that the legislature can take back the power of assigning electors.

The hearing on election integrity in Pennsylvania took place on Wednesday, with a number of witnesses giving evidence of severe and widespread voter fraud in favour of Joe Biden.

One posited solution to a potentially corrupt voting system, proposed by Ellis and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, is for the Pennsylvania legislature to select the electors for the Electoral College. This was first mentioned by Republican State Rep. Dawn Keefer, who noted that the Constitution gave the legislature that ability, but added that the legislature ceded the power to the Secretary of State by a statute, and they were advised by attorneys that it was therefore out of their control.

In response, Trump attorney Jenna Ellis explained that the Pennsylvania legislature can “take that power back at any time”: watch

6 Comments on Jenna Ellis: Pennsylvania Can ‘Take That Power Back’ From Corrupt Officials, Assign Electoral Votes To Trump

  1. “Trump attorney Jenna Ellis explained that the Pennsylvania legislature can “take that power back at any time””

    Well, if they can they’d better do it instantly and have the legislation finished take effect through emergency orders before the decision is made.

    Otherwise it will only affect future elections.

    And that’s assuming the Court won’t e involved and cause any delays with it taking effect.

  2. Jenna’s statement reminds me of what I always say.

    “You can take my unbleached elastic starfish out FROM my Petey B but you can’t take my Petey B out OF my unbleached elastic starfish!”

  3. The democrats have been cheating in elections since forever. The difference here is they had to cheat on such a massive scale to steal a landslide victory from Trump. I hope our institutions function as designed.

  4. May be we need to see that from the Dems point of view it wasn’t cheating but rather business as usual – justified actions taken to remove a despot from office.

    There is a tremendous amount of evidence in a global nazi collusion to ensure Donald J. Trump did not win “re-selection.” The evidence suggests that this action contravenes the will of the majority of American voters,

    This of course means that those actions prove their grasp of reality is not only tenuous but rather dangerous and that sane people must consider actions to ensure they do not harm themselves or others in this process.

    In other words anyone considering themselves a Biden supporter needs to be locked away or detained in a re-education camp somewhere cold (say our version of Siberia like Alaska).

    But alas it may come down to just putting bullets in their head when they riot as the State Legislatures and the Supreme Court (DON’T TRUST John Roberts) overturn this election.

  5. @Hans: “This of course means that those actions prove their grasp of reality is not only tenuous but rather dangerous and that sane people must consider actions to ensure they do not harm themselves or others in this process.

    In other words anyone considering themselves a Biden supporter needs to be locked away or detained in a re-education camp somewhere cold (say our version of Siberia like Alaska).”

    The Clintons have quite a list under their name for murdering people who they do not like. We’ve been hearing about a “list” that the Dims and Antifa have of conservatives. Their plan is to kill us. They claim they have 25,000 followers to do the job. They miscalculate again, there’s 73,000,000 of us who are armed and ready to defend ourselves and country, so bring it suckers. Those reeducation camps is what Harris/Biden has planned. Would Newsome make a move to become Vice President? He’s another one that would send us all to reeducation camps. Destroy the Democrat party, there’s something to go after as a whole and not just individuals who won’t see prison time.

  6. If I could snap my fingers and all of the splodey headed marxists would simply evaporate…………….SNAP! It would be interesting to see the actual number disappeared. I do not believe it is anywhere close to 50%, but a very vocal and increasingly violent minority.


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